National Health Promotion team supports HCC Promotion Risks Communication and Engagement program

This article was originally published by the Solomon Islands Government. 

New project launched to empower youth not engaged in education, employment or training in the Solomon Islands

Honiara, Solomon Islands – Today, the Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs (MWYCFA) and the Pacific Community (SPC) launched a three-year pilot project in the Solomon Islands which gives an exciting opportunity for 40 young people…

Collective action helps advance gender policies in Solomon Islands

Five out of nine provinces in the Solomon Islands have endorsed gender equality policies, a positive indication of how gender equality has become a national development priority. For Vaela Ngai, the Director for the Women’s Development Division (WDD)…

From youth camp to youth champ

Gadner Kagovai has always been sure of the career path he would follow. Growing up in the Solomon Islands, he dreamed of becoming a politician. Today, at 26 years old, Gadner has invested considerable effort in bringing that dream to life.

Stat of the week: It is estimated that the Solomon Islands produced nearly 7000 tonnes of pulses in 2019

It is estimated that the Solomon Islands produced nearly 7000 tonnes of pulses in 2019.  Did you know? Pulses are important crops for: Nutritional value Food security Environmental benefits For more information on Pulses Day, visit the…

Stat of the week: Remittances in the Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands recorded a 67.5% drop in remittances in Q2 2020 compared to Q2 2019. Explore more data:

Stat of the week: crude birth rate in Solomon Islands in 2020

  30.3 births per 1000 made the Solomon Islands the Pacific country with the highest estimated crude birth rate in 2020...   Explore more data:

Authorised Justices equipped to clamp down on domestic violence in Malaita communities

14 Authorised Justices around Malaita province have completed training that will enable them to effectively carry out their roles laid out in the Family Protection Act- to issue Interim Protection Orders for survivors of domestic violence in their…

Contextual data of PILNA 2018 throws new light on Pacific education

The contextual data of the Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNA) 2018 was cause for excitement for education representatives at a workshop on PILNA 2018 data earlier this month.

PILNA 2018 Data Workshop Opening Remarks by EQAP Director Dr Michelle Belisle

Opening remarks by Educational Quality & Assessment Programme (EQAP) Director Dr Michelle Belisle Good morning and a warm welcome to all of you as we begin our very first Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment, or PILNA, data workshop.…
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