Post graduate certificate program strengthens health interventions in the Pacific

Self-assessment of data flow within health ministries across the Pacific has become a priority for the sector in order to combat major health issues such as the NCD crisis. To boost the capacity of the health workers in the region, the Strengthening…

New training for Pacific public health laboratory staff will help region now and in the future  

The Pacific COVID experience has shown that laboratory services to help identify health security risks and provide timely, accurate and reliable diagnosis of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, needs to be strengthened. In support of this…

Access to Diabetes Care, If not now, when?

World Diabetes Day: Access to Diabetes Care, If not now, when? by Berlin Kafoa November 14th is World Diabetes Day, promoted every year in response to the increasing threats to health and sustainable development due to diabetes, experienced globally…

Pacific nurses gaining new skills and certifications thanks to critical care training program: Profile Series

The essential role of nurses in the Pacific has been put in the spotlight during the COVID crisis. These front line workers have taken on high levels of risk in a job that demands long hours and wide ranging medical expertise. To help support these…

Pacific nurses gaining new skills and certifications thanks to critical care training program: Profile Series

The essential role of nurses in the Pacific has been put in the spotlight during the COVID crisis. These front line workers have taken on high levels of risk in a job that demands long hours and wide ranging medical expertise. To help support these…

Healthy Tips: When I take the bus, I keep my mask on for the whole trip

To reduce the risk of exposure and transmission of COVID-19 in public transportation, I wear my mask correctly to cover my mouth, nose and chin. I keep my mask on for the whole trip. I leave a seat open between me and the other passengers. Learn…

Pacific nurses gaining new skills and certifications thanks to critical care training program

The essential role of nurses in the Pacific has been put in the spotlight during the COVID crisis. These front line workers have taken on high levels of risk in a job that demands long hours and wide ranging medical expertise. To help support these…

ABC Pacific Beat: PacMOSSI project looking to ramp up mosquito control and reduce disease

By Jordan Fennell on Pacific Beat While the world's attention remains on COVID-19, the Pacific Community (SPC) has joined forces with James Cook University in Brisbane to tackle the scourge of mosquito borne disease that continues to blight the region…

Partnership between Otago University and SPC sparks new opportunities for academics, research professionals, and experts

The University of Otago has formally partnered with the Pacific Community (SPC), the principal development organization in the Pacific which spans 26 countries and territories. SPC has supported the empowerment of Pacific communities through the sharing…

Webinar Series on Cancer Registration

An openly accessible cancer registration webinar series will commence in October 2021 continuing into 2022, to provide online learning support which is focused towards the needs of Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) with the collection and…
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