PW Podcast S03-E03: Inside the Salad Bowl

Sigatoka Valley is known as the 'Salad Bowl' of Fiji proving a majority of the islands fresh fruits and vegetables. But this highly fertile region also attracts hungry pests eager to take a bite out of the bowl.  The Pacific Community through its…

HRSD's Pacific Youth and COVID-19 and Agriculture Policy Briefs in Focus

In the Pacific, youth development is still under-resourced and faces many challenges. To support Pacific Islands and Territories in developing strategies to take on these challenges, the Pacific Community’s (SPC) Human Rights and Social Development…

Protecting food security in the face of COVID-19

In a move to help boost food security as the Pacific recovers from COVID-19, The Pacific Community’s (SPC) Land Resources Division (LRD) has established two rapid response projects: The Pacific Regional Integrated Food and Nutrition Security Initiative…

Nadroumai Women set agroforestry standard for the future 

The Nadroumai Women’s Club in Western Viti Levu convened on the coral coast, last week, to celebrate a successful agroforestry project that will provide benefits for future generations. The project, “Enhancing value-added products and environmental…

„We will overcome it“: Experiences of the impact of COVID-19 in Suva, Fiji

This story originally appeared on the Inter Press Service website, it has been republished here with permission. 

REDD+ breathes new life into Pacific forests

Forests are called “the lungs of the earth” for good reason: their ability to draw in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen cleans our air and helps regulate the climate. Tropical rainforests, such as those found in the Pacific, are particularly…

Pacific’s Tree of Life faces growing pest threat

In the Pacific, coconut is king. It charms visitors to our shores, as well as commands the respect of Pacific Islanders that depend on it for their livelihood. Known regionally as the ‘tree of life’, every part is used, from its tallest frond down to…

Organics open new opportunities for gender equality

As the recovery from COVID-19 in the Pacific gains momentum, agriculture and food systems are central to its success.  The organic movement in Fiji and region-wide has continued to grow, even during this still lingering calamity. Now is the time to…

Building a secure future for women and girls in rural Fiji

“The young girls in this village are the mothers of tomorrow,” says mother of three Amele Nauga. “The fruit and other trees here are our main source of income for the future, and we must teach the children that.”

Leadership at the Pacific’s largest development organization – Karen Mapusua IWD2021

The integration of women in historically male-dominated fields in the Pacific in this new decade is being realized at all job levels, including senior management. For International Women’s Day this year, The Pacific Community’s (SPC) Land Resources…
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