Blue Pledge to save our ocean

Blue Pledge to save our ocean   By Vishaal Kumar

Ocean science plays an important role in mapping the region’s maritime boundaries says SPC Deputy Director General

Ocean science plays an important role in mapping the region’s maritime boundaries says The Pacific Community (SPC) Deputy Director General   By Vishaal Kumar

Using fishing fleets to strengthen data collection and better understand the region’s tropical ocean

USING fishing fleets to strengthen data collection and better understand the region’s tropical ocean. By Vishaal Kumar Fiji Times

Pacific voices 'need to be reflected in UN language'

Pacific voices 'need to be reflected in UN language' By Dominic Godfrey

Indigenous knowledge to inform science to save oceans

Indigenous knowledge to inform science to save oceans  By Dominic Godfrey  

Pacific youth to lead 'Decade of the Ocean' science

Pacific youth to lead 'Decade of the Ocean' science By Dominic Godfrey

The science we need now, for the ocean we both want and need is critical: Diver

The science we need now, for the ocean we both want and need is critical: Diver

Pacific Youth call for mentoring program for Ocean Science

Pacific Youth call for mentoring program for Ocean Science By Vishaal Kumar

US$60 million loss in revenue expected from tuna industry by 2050 due to climate change

US$60 million loss in revenue expected from tuna industry by 2050 due to climate change

Tuna purse seiner recommended for Ocean research in Pacific waters

Tuna purse seiner recommended for Ocean research in Pacific waters  
Displaying 531 - 540 of 659