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Contact: Vuki Buadromo, [email protected]

Digital Earth Pacific: Decision-ready data for the Blue Pacific

Digital Earth Pacific

SPC Director GEM, Dr Andrew Jones, address at the Regional Specialised Meteorological Centre (RSMC), Nadi, Fiji, to commemorate World Meteorological Day

Bula Vinaka, Namaste, and Happy World Meteorological Day! It is a privilege to celebrate World Meteorological Day with all of you here today at the Pacific’s own Regional Specialised Meteorological Centre here in Fiji. This is my first time to visit…

The Pacific Community (SPC) supports training course for emergency management trainers

The Pacific Community (SPC) through the Pacific Islands Emergency Management Alliance (PIEMA) project has provided funding support for 53 trainers to undertake the International Skills Training and Assessor (IST) Course delivered by the Australia Pacific…

Breaking cultural and social boundaries

Naomi Jackson Druma originally from Lawaki in Kadavu, was born and raised in Lautoka in a family of three, being the youngest of the family Naomi has always wanted to be a mentor and a leader. “My family was the greatest influence in my career choice.…

Podcast: S03-E02: Finding Tokelau's underground treasure

Tokelau is one of the smallest and most remote nations in the world, consisting of three coral atolls in the middle of the Pacific Ocean where clean drinking water is scarce. After years of research and field investigations, the Pacific Community’s…

High-Level Meeting on Water and Sustainable Development

The UN General Assembly (UNGA) will hold a High-Level Meeting on the water-related goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda, on 18 March 2021.

The perfect wave for surfers floods low-lying communities

The Pacific region in recent weeks has been hit by severe weather. Large storms and cyclones across the region have whipped up large waves that have ricocheted across the Pacific Ocean.
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