Technical training with Palau supports ocean management through defined maritime zones

Palau officials, Mr David Idip and Mr Takamatsu Emesiochel of PALARIS with Malakai Vakautawale, Molly Powers-Tora, and Andrick Lal of SPC  

Pacific Island Countries share challenges in sustainable transport at Regional Energy Meeting

This article is reproduced with permission from the Daily Post Vanuatu, written by Ezra Toara

The 5th Pacific Regional Energy and Maritime Ministers' Meeting (PRETMM)

The 5th Pacific Regional Energy and Maritime Ministers Meeting (PRETMM) is held in Port Vila, Vanuatu from 8 to 12 May 2023.

5th Pacific Regional Energy and Transport Ministers Meeting (2023)

Australia supports the Pacific Community (SPC) to convene the Ministerial that will tackle energy and transport transitions in the Pacific  

Managing Coastal Aquifers Project to support the safeguarding of freshwater resources in the Marshall Islands

Testing the salinity of pumped groundwater through an infiltration gallery (horizontal well) in Laura, Majuro Atoll, RMI. A new model to better manage the freshwater resources of the Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI) is being developed by specialist…

The Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency supports the registration and delivery of sustainable energy qualifications in Tonga 

Front row: (L-R) Mr. Mosese Vaipulu (TEC), Mr. Siale Hola (NECAT), Mr. Fatuimoana Pahulu (TNU), Mr. Timote Tuitupou (TPL)

Scaling Up coastal protection in Tonga: 2014 – 2023

Tonga’s coastal communities rely on the ocean for sustenance, but climate change and rising sea levels increasingly threaten their livelihoods. The low-lying island of Tongatapu, home to the capital Nuku’alofa, is especially vulnerable to flooding…

Ocean Science Fact: Whales can whisper

Did you know that whales can whisper? After their birth calves need to travel up to 5 000 miles with their mother, to reach their feeding areas. During this trip, they need to find energy by suckling. Meanwhile they use vocalisations at low call…

Pacific energy regulators benchmarking report to promote good and regulatory practices

Pacific energy regulators now have a benchmarking report to help them promote good regulatory practices and common standards among its members and provide benchmarks for future assessments regarding the key functions and capabilities of energy…
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