PILNA Steering Committee Meeting

​The steering committee on the Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNA) will convene for the sixth year since its inception in 2015. The committee meets every year to oversee, guide and direct the planning and implementation of the…

Vanuatu embarks on high engagement improvement of Public Service

From 17-21 February, senior members of Vanuatu’s Office of the Public Service Commission (OPSC) through its Institute of Public Administration and Management (VIPAM) took part in an ambitious training project to improve the quality of the islands nations…

Gains in primary school literacy and numeracy, PILNA 2018 finds

THE Pacific Island Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNA) 2018 study has found that the literacy and numeracy skills of primary school students across the Pacific have improved. The PILNA 2018 research was a huge collaborative exercise across…

Results are in: the state of literacy and numeracy in the Pacific

The original blog can be found at https://devpolicy.org/results-are-in-the-state-of-literacy-and-numeracy-in-the-pacific-20200213/

PBEQ Annual Meeting

​This will be the fifth annual meeting of EQAP's governing body, the Pacific Board for Educational Quality (PBEQ). The meeting will follow the PILNA Steering Committee meeting and  the member country consultations that …

Launch of ‘EQAP Elevate’ platform to foster dialogue on quality education

The Educational Quality and Assessment Programme’s talanoa series, EQAP Elevate, was successfully launched today at the Pacific Community’s Suva campus in Fiji.  EQAP Elevate aims to draw focus to quality education in the region; to share best…

PILNA 2018 – a snapshot of the Pacific region’s proficiency in literacy and numeracy

Are the Pacific region’s Year 4 and Year 6 students making strong progress in learning the basic literacy and numeracy skills? What aspects of these foundational skills are the most challenging for them to learn? What specific concepts and skills should…

SPC’s Education Programme releases regional South Pacific Form Seven results

The Educational Quality and Assessment Programme (EQAP) of the Pacific Community (SPC) has released last week the South Pacific Form Seven Certificate (SPFSC) results. The SPC-supported SPFSC allows the region to have a qualification that is regionally…

Regional Workshop: Literacy and Numeracy Item Writing for the Fourth Cycle of PILNA

​This marks the start of the fourth administration of the Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment. Item writing is one of the crucial activities in the PILNA process that has to be carried out at the earliest opportunity in the beginning of…

Pacific Qualifications Advisory Board Meeting- Opening remarks by EQAP Director Dr Michelle Belisle

Photo: EQAP Director Dr Michelle Belisle welcomes the Pacific Qualifications Advisory Board which began its two-day meeting at the SPC Nabua Campus this morning. The board’s new chair is Dr 'Uhilamoelangi Fasi, seated to Dr Belisle’s right. Papua New…
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