New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Wallis and Futuna are committed to sustainable and resilient food systems

photo credit: Marama Production The PROTEGE project is working with the authorities of New Caledonia, French Polynesia, and Wallis and Futuna to develop strategic and operational plans on food system sustainability to ensure more resilient food systems…

The Loyalty Islands are studying the opportunities for aquaculture and fish farming in their islands

Les Îles Loyautés étudient les enjeux de l’aquaculture et de la pisciculture pour leurs îles

KISS THE GROUND : Ciné-débat sur l’agriculture régénératrice

La Chambre d’agriculture de Nouvelle-Calédonie organise un ciné débat sur l’agriculture régénératrice mercredi 4 août 2021, de 18h à 20h, à l’université de la Nouvelle-Calédonie / Amphithéâtre Guy AGNIEL . Découvrez le film "KISS THE GROUND" suivi de son…

Green News: 12% of the population does not have access to safe drinking water in the North West of New Caledonia

Did you know that 12% of the population does not have access to safe drinking water in the North West of New Caledonia? Water resources are diminishing due to frequent drought, damage to watersheds, and waste. So, every month, tankers have to deliver…

"The fight against climate change is constantly evolving", Dirk Snyman, Climate Finance Coordinator

(Photo credit: SPC/WTYSL)

Why are some Pacific Lagoon corals resistant to climate change?

Photo credit: SPC/2021/Pauline Bosserelle 

Meet Toga Raikoti, Population Census & Survey Data Processing Specialist Programmer at SPC

Can you tell us about yourself and your work? My name is Toga Raikoti, I work for the SDD, in SPC, Noumea, as a population census and survey data processing specialist.

Remarks by SPC DG, Dr Stuart Minchin at the Opening of the Pacific Resilience Meeting’s Youth Forum

STATEMENT BY DR MINCHIN DELIVERED AT OPENING OF THE YOUTH FORUM PACIFIC RESILIENCE MEETING (VIRTUAL MEETING) 5 JULY 2021   Secretary General for the Pacific Islands Forum – Secretary General Henry Puna Youth Representative – Tokasa…

Healthy Tips: Challenge Yourself!

The Pacific region has very high rates NCDs, which are threatening the health and livelihoods of our communities. The good news is that diseases brought on by unhealthy lifestyles can be prevented through smart choices. To get you started, we’ve designed…

Gender and infant health handbooks among new releases

You are invited to check out the latest publications for January – April 2021 from the Publishing Team.
Displaying 61 - 70 of 254