Healthy Tips: Commit to quit!

E-cigarettes are not proven cessation aids. They generate toxic chemicals, which can cause harmful health effects such as cardiovascular disease and lung disorders. Commit to quit!

Healthy Tips: Let's Celebrate World Hand Hygiene Day

Seconds save lives – clean your hands! Are you washing your hands regularly? Hand Hygiene is one of the most effective actions to reduce the spread of pathogens and prevent infections, including the COVID-19 virus. Wash your hands for 40-60 seconds for…

New GeneXpert testing machines to give Fiji’s COVID screening efforts a boost

The COVID pandemic has created many challenges to Pacific health systems, among these is increasing demand for expanding for testing. Although testing facilities do exist in the Pacific, most were designed to screen primarily for TB. As a result, there…

World Health Day 2021: Building a fairer healthier world for everyone

The Pacific Community (SPC) is working with Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) to roll out their COVID-19 vaccination plans. So far COVID-19 vaccine has been administered in 12 PICTS. Building a fairer, healthier world in the Pacific…

Pacific response to COVID-19 is demonstrating power of regionalism

Health supplies being loaded for PNG as part of the PHP-C The Pacific Heads of Health recently held a virtual meeting under the shadow of COVID-19. The tone was understandably sombre and serious. The crisis being faced across the globe has certainly not…

COVID 19: 20,000 posters to help promote hand washing in Fiji

The Pacific Community (SPC) has provided the Fiji Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) with 20,000 hand washing posters in support of its efforts to mitigate COVID-19 transmission.

Pacific nurses at the frontline of the fight against COVID-19


COVID19: Webinar brings together Pacific Health Workers

SPC Elected as Chair of the Global Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) Group for 2020-21

The Statistics for Development Division is proud to announce that SPC has been elected unanimously as the Chair of the Global Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Group at a side event of the 2020 UN statistical Commission meeting in New York. SPC was…

COVID-19: Pacific Community Updates

This page is being regularly updated as new information is received (graphs and figures) The COVID-19 (COrona VIrus Disease 2019) outbreak was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on 11 March 2020. Globally, nations are…
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