Green News: Vanuatu’s push for legal protection from climate change wins crucial

In 2021 Vanuatu announced its intention to seek an advisory opinion by the international court of justice on the rights of present and future generations to be protected from climate change.

Pacific-led emergency management system helping community policing in Vanuatu

Illicit substances, particularly methamphetamine and cannabis (marijuana) are overwhelming many Pacific Island communities. For the island nation of Vanuatu, the cultivation of marijuana has become a concern for law enforcement and families. Corporal…

Online para-vet training steps up for Pacific livestock health

Animal health officers are the eyes and ears of veterinarians in many Pacific countries where there are few or no veterinarians. They safeguard livestock health and provide essential regional animal disease surveillance. However, as they are not fully…

Waste not, want not: Unusual fuel for Pacific green energy needs

Waste not, want not: Unusual fuel for Pacific green energy needs     Around the world rapid development and population growth have outpaced the capacity to deal with the waste produced.  In parallel, large sections of…

A conversation with Elian Bangtor, a Pacific Early Career Ocean Professional from Vanuatu

Photo Credit: Matt Curnock / Ocean Image Bank  

BRED Bank commits 1 million vatu to the 300 Coconut Bags project

BRED Bank commits 1 million vatu to the 300 Coconut Bags project  

Global satellites to boost access to relevant data in the Pacific

​ Pacific Countries are committed to the development of a new Digital Earth Pacific Program that will allow the use of global satellite systems to better understand the changes to our environment and countries in the Pacific. The Pacific Community (SPC…

Stat of the week: Vanuatu population in 2020

  2.3%: Vanuatu has the highest estimated population growth rate across the Pacific in 2020 of 2.3%.   Explore more data:

Tropical Cyclone Harold provided invaluable data for future disaster response and planning

Good data is at the heart of planning for and responding to natural disasters in the Pacific. The region has invested heavily in tools to monitor changes in the environment, and be better prepared for the extreme conditions that can threaten Island…

Vanuatu Country Programming

​SPC will be in Port Vila in the week of 9th March, 2020, to work with country counterparts in a number of sectors to define activities under the SPC/Vanuatu Country Program. The Vanuatu Country Program is an agreed program of focused actions under a set…
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