Regional NDC Hub highlighted at UNFCCC SB60

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)'s 60th sessions of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technologic

Developing resilience through professionals

PRFRP members (Fiji) based participants In the Pacific, com

Collaborative maritime framework set to transform Pacific island maritime sector

Despite being surrounded by vast oceans, Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs) encounter significant challenges in their maritime transport sector. Maritime safety is crucial in the Pacific, where remote islands rely heavily on it for…

How Arthur Mills reversed his life-threatening illness

New qualification to empower Pacific Island stakeholders in climate resilience efforts

Micro Qualifications Launch Group Pic Kiwa Initiative  

Nadave makes Resilience Qualification a core course for TVET students

The Centre for Appropriate Technology and Development (CATD) in Nadave, Fiji, received essential equipment to offer the Certificates in Resilience Qualifications, Levels 2 and 4, from the Pacific Community (SPC) on February 20th, 2024.

Launch of the Pacific Regional One Maritime Framework development and funding announcement 

(R-L) European Union (EU) Ambassador to the Pacific, Her Excellency, Ms Barbara Plinkert, Acting Permanent Secretary Ministry of Public Works, Meteorological Services and Transport, Mr.

Pacific Resilience Partnership Taskforce launches into 2024 with in-depth talks

  The Pacific Resilience Partnership (PRP) Taskforce welcomed 2024 with its first meeting of the year on 30-31 January, physically hosted in Suva, Fiji.  

Traditional knowledge and the ocean – focus of the 2024 tide prediction calendars

Reviving traditional water sports, traditional fish traps, the age-old practice of preserving fish and understanding how root crops are indicators to predict tropical cyclones are some of the highlights showcased in the 2024 tide prediction calendars…

Official Welcome Remarks by Mr Ellis Silas, Quality Systems Manager at Vanuatu Skills Partnership during the closing event for Training of Trainers for the Resilience Qualification

Distinguished Guests, Participants from PNG and Vanuatu, trainers, and partners, As we end this transformative and pioneering phase of the Training of Trainers in Resilience, it is with immense pride and joy that we reflect upon the remarkable strides…
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