Launch of Pacific Partnership to End Violence Against Women and Girls Phase II: Advancing our mission to end Violence Against Women and Girls

Surrounded by over 200 partners in Suva and virtually, the Pacific Partnership to End V

Human rights school clubs building inclusive communities for future generations in the Marshall Islands

Preventing violence against women and girls in the Pacific

Global review throws light on gender-based violence in fisheries

Small islands, Smart tech: Empowering women and girls in the digital age

Maternity leave provisions for women in Kosrae ensure equitable healthcare for all

Commission on the status of women

Join us to hear from women leading change to address the climate crisis. Register now for this CSW High Level Event. The event is online at 9am-11am (Fiji time), 25 March. Registration is at

Equipping schools to nurture socially responsible citizens

Imagine a violence-free Pacific where people live freely, happily, and in harmony without fear of violence/abuse (in all its forms), learning from, sharing with, and caring for one another, working towards one common goal of developing a progressive…

Children of today learning from the Marshall Islands’ past

Feature photo: Hannah Lafita, Associate Commissioner for the Public School System By Danica Waiti In addition to topics such as human rights and gender equality, students in the Republic of the Marshall Islands are now being taught about the nation’s…

International Women's Day

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