2nd Regional Conference of Heads of Planning and Statistics (HOPS 2)

Noumea, New Caledonia


At the first Regional Heads of Planning and Heads of Statistics meeting at SPC headquarters, Noumea, 4-7 April 2005, sixteen recommendations were made. These recommendations covered a range of issues facing statisticians and planners of the region, and can be summarised as follows:

  1. improved quality of statistical data;
  2. greater support for economic statistics to Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs);
  3. enhanced analysis and reporting of social information, including MDG indicators;
  4. maintenance, and further development, of PopGIS;
  5. greater capacity within PICTs to determine national population and development priorities; and
  6. assistance to PICTs with their population and housing census in the 2010 Census Round of censuses, and with other household surveys.

Progress in implementing meeting recommendations 

Attachment 1 provides the actions taken on the 2005 meeting recommendations. Many recommendations did not specify a particular agency to take responsibility for implementation. Nevertheless, all recommendations have been either implemented, are in the process of implementation or will be implemented in 2008. It should also be noted that the actions specified in Attachment 1 focus on those taken by the SPC.

Points for Discussion 

The meeting is invited to comment on the following discussion points:

  1. Are the actions documented in the attachment comprehensive and accurate?
  2. Are there action strategies which could be pursued to further meet the 2005 meeting recommendations?
Joint Event
