The Pacific Community and Climate Change

Coalition to address labour market demands and skills gaps in Pacific tourism sector

Addressing the growing demands for a skilled, inclusive and productive Pacific tourism industry is the goal of a new coalition formed between the Pacific Community (SPC), the Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) and the Australia Pacific Training…

New Zealand extends funding partnership with Pacific Community

New Zealand’s strong commitment to supporting sustainable development in the Pacific was highlighted during a small ceremony this week, which marked the official extension of its partnership with the Pacific Community (SPC).    

Recent publications from the Pacific Community (SPC)

The latest list of publications includes the Third edition of the Pacific Community Governance Compendium. From the divisions, we have the Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment 2018 Regional Report (PILNA) by the Educational Quality and…

PW Podcast S02-04: Pacific Surveying

Understanding where we are and where things are in relation to us has always been important.  Anyone who has ever used a smartphone app to locate themselves or search for driving directions can appreciate how widespread this technology has become,…


At the Moana Blue Pavilion – COP25 in Madrid Thursday 5 December 2019 11h15-12h15

Special Report on Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC): A Pacific perspective - A Pacific Community Side Event at COP25

Thursday 5 December 2019 10:00 – 11:00 Moana Blue Pacific Pavilion The IPCC approved and accepted Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC) at its 51st Session held on 20 – 23 September 2019.

Pacific Ports 2030-2050 - A Pacific Community Side Event at COP 25

​Developing and implementing a regional vision and approach towards Resilient, Green and Clean Ports in the Pacific islands region. Theme: Sustainable use of the ocean.

Pacific High-Level Dialogue on Water and Sanitation- Remarks by Jean-Louis Ville

COP 25 - Side event: Assessing the impact of climate change and sea level rise on Pacific islands maritime boundaries

​Assessing the impact of climate change and sea level rise on Pacific islands maritime boundaries.The purpose of this note is to provide the facilitator and speakers with information on the side event on the impact of climate change on maritime…
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