Podcast: S03-E02: Finding Tokelau's underground treasure

Tokelau is one of the smallest and most remote nations in the world, consisting of three coral atolls in the middle of the Pacific Ocean where clean drinking water is scarce. After years of research and field investigations, the Pacific Community’s…

Green News: SPC is making a significant shift to renewable energy in its Headquarters

  SPC is making a significant shift to renewable energy in its Noumea Headquarters.

The Pacific Community Factsheet

Nature-based solutions for climate resilience and biodiversity conservation in the Pacific

Nature-based solutions for climate resilience and biodiversity conservation in the Pacific  

International Women’s Day, 2021: To Lead is to Serve — A Pacific Woman’s Perspective

This story originally appeared on the Inter Press Service website, it has been republished here with permission. 

Get your guides!

GET YOUR GUIDES! We all need a guide at some point and the SPC's Publishing Team has released a number of these in the past months.  If you are keen to remain abreast of the cultural considerations in the communities we work in, the Human Rights…

Federated States of Micronesia Day

Samoa Independence Day

Happy Independence Day Samoa!

Waitangi Day

Happy Waitangi Day!

Australia Day

Happy National Day to Australia
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