Bartering through the pandemic in Fiji

This story was put together using presentations from this year’s Pacific Resilience Meeting that focussed on the theme ‘Our people, our journey: nurturing Pacific resilience from home’. This biennial meeting was hosted by the Pacific Community (SPC) and…

Gina Jones- From water child to disaster response specialist

Gina Jones working alongside her colleague in the PIEMA Project office at SPC, Fiji.

Saving Our Bacon: The Pacific Way Podcast- S03-E08

Traditional and cultural ceremonies in the Pacific would not be complete without a feast, which almost always includes pork and pork products. It is difficult to imagine a function without it. However, the Pacific pig industry is now under threat and an…

Keynote Address by President of FSM H.E David W. Panuelo at the Pacific Maritime Boundaries Virtual Working Session & High Level Dialogue

Excellencies, Distinguished Leaders in the Pacific, Ladies and Gentlemen. 

Celebrating the 20th Maritime Boundaries Session

Dr Stuart Minchin, Director General, Pacific Community (SPC), Opening Remarks at the Pacific Maritime Boundaries High Level Dialogue. Firstly, I would like to recognise the presence of

Dr Paula Vivili, Deputy Director General, Pacific Community (SPC), Closing Remarks at Pacific Maritime Boundaries High Level Dialogue Virtual Event

Excellencies, senior officials representing Pacific member states  Pacific Island Maritime Boundary Consortium Partners  Partners, SPC colleagues, ladies and gentlemen 

Palau Independence Day

COP 26: the Pacific Community enhances access to climate finance in the Pacific

On the occasion of COP 26, the Pacific Community (SPC) remains committed to addressing challenges related to accessing climate finance for Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs). While leaders and experts assert that PICTs are at the frontline…

Meaning of the official logo of the 12 Conference of the Pacific Community

The official icon of the 12th Conference of the Pacific Community and 51st Meeting of the CRGA celebrates Vanuatu’s role as the Chair of the Conference and acknowledges the Pacific Community’s commitment to its theme of Blue Pacific Prosperity and…

World Food Day: Tonga taps tradition and the Pacific’s Tree of Life to feed communities and secure livelihoods

As the global community celebrates World Food Day 2021 on October 16 with the theme of “our actions are our future”, one project in Tonga is ensuring the future of local communities by building on the harvest of traditional food through youth.
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