New support from Republic of Korea for Blue Pacific Coastal and Marine Planning

Joint Media Release  

“Honestly, I can't get enough of it. Everyone else goes and sleeps in their bunks and I sleep out on the fish box. It's my favorite place.“

An expanding membership and new vision for the future highlight the Pacific Community’s 51st CRGA and 12th Conference

The 51st Meeting of the Committee of Representatives of Governments and Administrations (CRGA 51) and 12th Conference of the Pacific Community (SPC) concluded this week with the adoption of the organisation’s new 10-year strategic plan and the return of…

President of the Federated States of Micronesia Statement for SPC's 12th Conference

Remarks by H.E. David W. Panuelo President of the Federated States of Micronesia at the 12th Conference of the Pacific Community   Mr. Chairman:

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office Lord Goldsmith Statement for SPC's 12th Conference

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office Lord Goldsmith Statement at SPC's 12th Conference   Though I am unable to join you in person, I am delighted that the UK is able to resume our membership of the Pacific Community.

Pacific Community adopts 10-year plan at its annual meeting, setting out ambitious vision for future of the Blue Pacific

The Pacific Community (SPC) has set its vision for a sustainable, thriving and peaceful Blue Pacific with the endorsement of its new 10-year Strategic Plan 2021+ during the 51st Meeting of the Committee of Representatives of Governments and…

"I grew up surrounded by flowers and crops. Now I run the largest plant gene bank in the Pacific"

The Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility Team Leader Sean O’Sullivan Statement for CRGA51

The Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility Team Leader Sean O’Sullivan Statement at 51st meeting of the SPC's Committee of Representatives of Governments and Administrations (CRGA), and 12th Conference  

European Union Ambassador for the Pacific and to Fiji HE. Sujiro Seam Statement for SPC's CRGA51

European Union Ambassador for the Pacific and to Fiji HE. Sujiro Seam Statement at 51st meeting of the SPC's Committee of Representatives of Governments and Administrations (CRGA), and 12th Conference

Dr Michelle Belisle, Director of the Educational Quality and Assessment Programme (EQAP) , SPC, Opening Remarks at Regional Education Finance Data Virtual Workshop

Hello everyone, it is indeed a great pleasure for me to welcome all of you, education statistics & finance officers and Senior Officials of Education to our annual Pacific regional workshop on Education Statistics. I will first take…
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