Logotonu Meleisea Waqainabete

Saving Our Bacon: The Pacific Way Podcast- S03-E08

Traditional and cultural ceremonies in the Pacific would not be complete without a feast, which almost always includes pork and pork products. It is difficult to imagine a function without it. However, the Pacific pig industry is now under threat and an…

Pacific Animal Health and Production Framework to guide para-vets in the region

A first ever framework to help strengthen animal health and production systems in the region was developed by the Pacific Community (SPC), through national and regional consultations with stakeholders. The Pacific Animal Health and Production Framework…

Soil is more than dirt for Atoll farmers

To help improve farming practices and to strengthen resilience in the face of the current changing weather patterns, the Pacific Community’s Land Resources Division (LRD) has invested in conducting soil and crop management trainings for farmers across…

8th Pacific Heads of Agriculture and Forestry Regional Meeting (2023)

​The 8th Regional Meeting of the Pacific Heads of Agriculture and Forestry Services will bring together country leaders and partners to reconnect to the region. The meeting happens biennially with the last one held in 2021 virtually…

A United Approach to Kava “Wan Ples, Wan Kava”

The public and private sector of the Pacific has come together to promote and secure the future of one of the region’s most important agricultural crops, Kava. The Pacific Regional Conference on Kava convened virtually yesterday, and will run till 29…

Pacific lends new voice to worldwide organic farming movement

A farm in Tahiti with membership in Bio Fetia, POETCom’s focal point in French Polynesia. The Pacific Community’s (SPC) Land Resources Division (LRD) Pacific Organic and Ethical Trade Community (POETCom) initiative today announced a new platform that…

World Food Day: Tonga taps tradition and the Pacific’s Tree of Life to feed communities and secure livelihoods

As the global community celebrates World Food Day 2021 on October 16 with the theme of “our actions are our future”, one project in Tonga is ensuring the future of local communities by building on the harvest of traditional food through youth.

Atoll Nation of Tuvalu Adopts ‘Cubes’ to Step Up Nutritious Food Production

Atoll Nation of Tuvalu Adopts ‘Cubes’ to Step Up Nutritious Food Production By Catherine Wilson Tuvalu’s farmers have watched their crops destroyed by extreme tropical weather. They are now using Funafala 'food cubes' to have greater control over…
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