Remarks by SPC’s Educational Quality and Assessment Programme Director Dr Michelle Belisle at the Launch of the Status of Pacific Education Report 2022

Good morning and a warm welcome to everyone joining us today, either virtually or in person, for the launch of the 2022 Edition of the Status of Pacific Education Report.

 Strengthening the digital needs of the Pacific’s education sector

Pacific’s voice in the global arena Digitalisation has become increasingly prevalent in the education sector worldwide and the experience is no different in the Pacific.

 Accredited micro-qualifications ensure lifelong learning and employability

To meet the demand for qualifications upskilling to fit career needs and skills requirements across industries, the Fiji National University (FNU) and the Pacific Community (SPC) have started the development and implementation of micro-qualifications (…

Remarks by SPC’s Educational Quality and Assessment Programme Director Dr Michelle Belisle at the 10th meeting of the Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNA) steering committee

Good morning and welcome to the 10th meeting of the Steering Committee for the Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment, or PILNA. As I look around the room, I see some familiar faces and some not-so-familiar faces, and I hope that through the…

Key research findings aim to raise the quality of Pacific education

Suva, Fiji – To raise the quality of education in the region, the Conference of Pacific Education Ministers (CPEM) discussed and endorsed key findings of two Pacific Regional Education Framework (PacREF) research studies and their benefits for the…

Strengthening literacy in Samoa

A new Pacific micro-qualification for Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning on the horizon

The first of its kind, a new Pacific qualification for Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) is being developed through an industry-led co-design process, initiated in February 2023 by the Pacific Community (SPC) and the Industry Advisory Committee…

Embedding a gender lens to empower women across the Pacific

The month of March is globally utilised to raise awareness on issues affecting women’s universal rights. As this month comes to an end, let us reflect on the journey women across the world have taken or are taking to achieve equal rights in our…

Pacific Board of Education Quality (PBEQ) Meeting 2023

Photo: Dr Michelle Belisle presents the 2020 Director's Report to the PBEQ    Annual meeting of the Pacific Board of Education Quality.

Five days focussing on Education

A week-long focus on the educational challenges and advancements of the Pacific. As a region, the Pacific has been making strides in strengthening the quality of education with the vision to empower the Pacific people to live free, healthy and…
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