Good data is the roadmap to good education policy

Good data is the roadmap to good policy and the Pacific Island Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNA) is a perfect example of how an investment in data can lead to meaningful change for the Pacific. PILNA was developed by SPC’s Educational Quality…

Family support and early childhood education programmes improve Pacific Island students’ progress, PILNA 2018 report affirms

(Image: Jonathan Curr, New Zealand High Commissioner to Fiji, John Feakes, Australian High Commissioner to Fiji, Dr Tufoua Panapa, Tuvalu Permanent Secretary for Education, Youth and Sports.  IMAGE SOURCE: Aaron Ballekom)

PILNA Regional Report Launch

The Pacific Islands Numeracy and Literacy Assessment (PILNA) is the only regional mechanism to assess the basic numeracy and literacy skills of Pacific Island children. The third cycle of this assessment was conducted last year by the Pacific Community’s…

Pacific Education Research Network (PERN) annual meeting

This will be the second meeting of the Pacific Education Research Network, which supports the strengthening of research capacity of education systems. The network was formed last July to encourage and assist with research at the country level, and to…

FNU seeks accreditation for its short courses from SPC’s education programme

The Fiji National University is the first university to pursue regional recognition of its short courses through the Pacific Community’s (SPC) Educational Quality and Assessment Programme’s (EQAP) accreditation services of micro-…

Vanuatu education launches revamped information management system

From left: MOET’s senior assessment officer Henry Jimmy, IT Manager Adrian Banga, EQAP’s Curriculum and Assessment Team Leader Mere Vadei, senior curriculum coordinator Tamata Frederic, and the acting head of MOET’s curriculum division, Felicity Nilwo…

23rd Consultation Meeting of the Pacific Heads of Education Systems (PHES)

The conference includes representatives of development partners and regional organisations that work in education in the region. The Pacific Community’s Educational Quality and Assessment Programme (EQAP) is among the partners invited. This year’s meet…

Vanuatu on track with curriculum reform and information systems upgrade

EQAP’s Rukshar Khan, standing, guides Vanuatu Education Ministry’s IT manager Adrian Banga on the PacSIMS components, as her colleague Senitiki Rokocakau works nearby.   All of Vanuatu’s Year 11 students, irrespective of whether they are enrolled…

EQAP delivers first micro-qualification in educational assessment

Fullhouse at Pasifika Conference Room   The Pacific region’s first micro-qualification course in the development of assessment instruments was delivered by the Pacific Community’s Educational Quality and Assessment Programme (EQAP) last month.…

Meet Rukshar Khan: Women in Science Week

Rukshar Khan – SPC Analyst Programmer, Educational Quality & Assessment Programme (EQAP)   Describe your work?  
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