Pacific Qualifications Assurance Advisory Board Meeting

The Pacific Quality Assurance Advisory Board will meet over two days to discuss the future direction of EQAP's qualifications work in terms of its support of national accrediting agencies. As the regional quality assurance agency, EQAP's…

Regional Form Seven Exams (SPFSC) commence in Kiribati, Vanuatu and Tuvalu

Tafea College students studying for exams. Tafea College is one of 13 schools in Vanuatu that administers the SPFSC exams. 30 October 2019 A total of 1,122 students have begun sitting for the South Pacific Form Seven Certificate (SPFSC) exams in…

Contextual data of PILNA 2018 throws new light on Pacific education

The contextual data of the Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNA) 2018 was cause for excitement for education representatives at a workshop on PILNA 2018 data earlier this month.

PILNA 2018 Data Workshop Opening Remarks by EQAP Director Dr Michelle Belisle

Opening remarks by Educational Quality & Assessment Programme (EQAP) Director Dr Michelle Belisle Good morning and a warm welcome to all of you as we begin our very first Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment, or PILNA, data workshop.…

Training on Referencing of Qualifications Frameworks

Pacific Island countries need to be able to reference qualifications frameworks against each other in order to determine equivalences and possibly mutual recognition. Without clear,  in-depth knowledge of the different national qualification…

Regional Training on Quality Audit

​A regional training in Quality Audit will be conducted in response to requests for capacity building at the national level. Continued training in this area is important to ensure qualified auditors are available to carry out quality assurance work in…

In-Country PILNA 2018 Engagements (Vanuatu, Samoa & Cook Islands)

​The Educational Quality and Assessment Programme (EQAP) is this week in Vanuatu, Cook Islands and Samoa to present and conduct workshops on the Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNA) 2018 findings. Each country's respective PILNA…

Regional Workshop: Using PILNA Data to Inform Decisions, Policies and Practice.

Regional participants will further explore the PILNA 2018 data in an effort to shed light on specific areas or issues identified earlier by the region's education system leaders.  EQAP and its technical partner, ACER, …

Tonga & Kiribati PILNA 2018 Dissemination & Workshops

​The Pacific Community's education division will conduct its in-country presentations on the Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNA) 2018 to Kiribati and Tonga's ministry of education. The comprehensive discussions, led by a…

Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment 2018 Regional Report

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