A first Social and Environmental Responsibility policy at the Pacific Community (SPC)

A Social and Environmental Responsibility (SER) policy applies to all Pacific Community (CPS) action since April 3, 2018, when approved by the Director General SPC, Colin Tukuitonga. SER aims to manage in an ethical and sustainable way the social…

Promoting sustainable development through taxes and subsidies

©PhilippC, Flickr, Port Vila, Vanuatu   Making taxes and public subsidies more “sustainable” is the challenge the Pacific Community has taken on as part of the RESCCUE project’s support for the development of innovative economic and financial…

Julie Petit

Julie joined SPC in November 2013 as INTEGRE Deputy Project Co-ordinator for Wallis & Futuna. She is now the PROTEGE Project Coordinator for New Caledonia. She had previously been recruited to work at CRIOBE (Island Research Centre and…

Peggy Roudaut

Peggy joined SPC in September 2016 to co-ordinate INTEGRE and she is today the PROTEGE Project Manager. Prior to that she had worked at the Regional Co-operation and External Relations Department under the Office of the President of the New…

Aude Chenet

Aude is SPC’s Environmental Sustainability Coordinator. A national of France, Aude has more than 18 years of extensive experience in environmental sustainability management and programming at national and sub-regional levels, focused on natural…

Jean-Baptiste Marre

Jean-Baptiste joined SPC in August 2014 to take on the position of RESCCUE Project Officer. Since 2009, he is Adviser – Climate Finance. Before that, he completed a joint PhD in Environmental Economics between the University of Western Britany and…

Sylvie Goyet

Sylvie has been Director, Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change at SPC since September 2015. Prior to joining SPC, she was the Director General of FIBA – Fondation Internationale du Banc d’Arguin, a private Swiss foundation working in West…

Protéger la ressource en eau du massif des Lèvres à TOUHO - Tipwoto

Nouvelle-Calédonie - Protéger la ressource en eau du massif des Lèvres à TOUHO - Province NORD / Tipwoto / Planter un arbre pour une vie / RESCCUE / INTEGRE

RESCCUE Project in Vanuatu - Plastic Bags

RESCCUE Project in Vanuatu - Water Management

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