Green News: SPC runs the Centre for Pacific Crops and Trees (CePaCT), a lab facility that maintains, tests and distributes crop varieties that are key for food and nutrition security

Did you know that SPC runs the Centre for Pacific Crops and Trees (CePaCT), a lab facility that maintains, tests and distributes crop varieties that are key for food and nutrition security? Since COVID-19, the need for Pacific countries to be more self-…

Pacific leaders join forces ahead of landmark climate summit

Photo Copyright: SPC/WTYSL Pacific leaders today (8 July) met COP26 President Alok Sharma to set out their priorities for the major climate change summit in November.

Green News: Buildings well adapted to the local climate will be more comfortable and respectful of the environment

Buildings that are well adapted to the local climate and built with a view to environmental quality will be more comfortable and respectful of the environment but above all, energy efficient. They can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions…

Towards a decade for Oceans: Protecting the Pacific’s most valuable resource

In literature, there are countless stories of adventures across the ‘7 seas’, each body of water with its own history, character and culture. For most of history each of our oceans were seen as a different world, similar but disconnected, in the same way…

Green News: Forests and trees keep the soil healthy, the water clean and provide shelter

Forests and trees keep the soil healthy, the water clean and provide shelter, food and breeding grounds for many animals. They are also critical to fight climate change by storing carbon and removing it from the atmosphere.

Wallis and Futuna: When fisher communities pool their knowledge and skills to sustainably manage their resources

The Wallis et Futuna Fisheries Department has launched an awareness campaign to foster the emergence of sustainable coastal resource management. How to continue fishing in the future without causing the resources to decrease – that is the main theme of…

La mer, notre source de vie - Recueil de poèmes et de photographies

Green News: Nature can provide cost-effective long-term solutions

Nature can provide cost-effective long-term solutions, like vetiver grass, to adapt to #climaterisks. With its net of deep roots, which grow up to a length of 2 meters in the first year, vetiver grass helps address erosion in places where soil can easily…

Improving water services planning for climate resilience in Nauru

Policymakers worldwide consistently rank water scarcity among the greatest risks faced by humanity. In Pacific island countries and territories, where water resources are limited, it has become essential to reassess and adapt water planning and decision-…

Green News: Taro, cassava and sweet potato leaves can help prevent nutrition-related diseases

Did you know that taro, cassava and sweet potato leaves can help prevent nutrition-related diseases, preserve the environment in Pacific islands, and empower local farmers. In the Pacific, including a variety of nutritious edible leaves grown locally in…
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