Ocean Science Fact: EL Nino and La Nina

El Niño and La Niña are climate patterns in the Pacific Ocean that can affect weather worldwide. They are two opposing climate patterns that break these normal conditions, and both have global impacts on weather, wildfires, ecosystems, and economies.

Green news: United Nations adopts landmark resolution on climate justice

The UN General Assembly on Wednesday adopted by consensus and to cheers a resolution calling for the world body's top court to outline legal obligations related to climate change.   Pushed for years by Vanuatu and Pacific islander youth, the…

Hot off the Press: A bumper list of new publications spotlights cross-cutting issues

SPC has a bumper list of new publications from July to December 2022 that cover a range of technical, scientific and strategic reports. They showcase the increasing cross-cutting approach by SPC to the organisation’s development objectives in the region…

Atelier Conversations Carbone #2

For more information, please visit the page in its French version.

Green Tip of the month: Recycle, Reuse, Reduce for World Recycling Day

Protecting drinking water in Touho, New Caledonia

(content available in French only)

World Water Day 2023

Our Ocean Conference 2023: Rising to the challenge of developing sustainable blue economies in islands and low-lying countries and communities

Our Ocean Conference 2023: Palau leading the way for sustainable coastal and marine tourism

Our Ocean Conference 2023: Palau launches Marine Spatial Planning to guide sustainable management of exclusive economic zone

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