NIWA et la CPS collaborent sur l'apprentissage et le partage d'expériences


(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement)

SPC & Niwa learning exchange

NIWA and SPC collaborate on learning and experience sharing

Inter-agency collaboration, a core principle in the development field, maximises impact of work of developing agencies and increases the value delivered to their stakeholders. For collaboration opportunities to be created, development organisations like the Pacific Community (SPC) actively work on making their work transparent and visible to external actors.

What is the objective of this series of webinars?

As part of their effort towards increasing collaboration between agencies involved in the development sector in the Pacific, SPC and NIWA, the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, are organising a series of seminars in which some of their current and past work will be presented. The audience, in addition to staff members of these two organisations are stakeholders interested in SPC’s and NIWA’s work including MFAT, MBIE and others.

What are the challenges that will be discussed during the seminars?

The topics covered in the webinars are topical and gravitate around use of advanced computing resources in solving problems in the fields of climate change, geoscience and fisheries among others.

The core work of NIWA and SPC will be shown, spanning mature regional functions and novel initiatives, like Impact Forecasting and The Pacific Community Centre for Ocean Science and weather forecasting respectfully.

Date Presenter Participants Topic
13 July NIWA 109 HPC & Data Science at NIWA: An overview of function and structure
03 August       NIWA 92 NZ Earth Systems Model
10 August SPC 96 The Pacific Community Centre for Ocean Science, Improved Ocean Science Collaboration within SPC and within the region for improved services to member countries
17 August NIWA 75 Climate Downscaling and Attribution
24 August SPC 119 Current projects of SPC’s GEM Division
31 August NIWA 83 NZ Water Model and water resource forecasting
07 September      SPC 56 Solutions to dealing with a data poor world in Coastal Fisheries
14 September NIWA 82 Weather and Impact forecasting
21 September SPC 78 Data as the key to unlocking climate finance and action
28 September NIWA 47 High resolution local wind gust modelling
5 October SPC 59 The New Zealand funded Pacific tuna MSE project


What would be the next steps?

The webinar series is expected to initiate new collaborative activities between the two organisations. We expect that NIWA’s and SPC’s scientists, informed by the webinar series, will engage in conversations and come up with improved and novel methods to address and manage regional and other matters that affect regional development.

Interpretation and materials:
All presentations will be delivered in English. The events will be interpreted in French if interest is communicated to the webinar organisers (email below). The webinars will be recorded, and proceedings will be made available online.

Please contact the organiser, Dr Aleksandar Zivaljevic[email protected] for more information, for the invitation to the events or to express interest in webinars interpretation in French.
For matters related to communication, please contact Camille Menaouer, Digital Communications Coordinator at [email protected].

About NIWA:
The National Institute of Water and Atmospheric (NIWA) Research, is a Crown Research Institute established in 1992. It operates as a stand-alone company with its own Board of Directors and Executive. NIWA's mission is to conduct leading environmental science to enable the sustainable management of natural resources for New Zealand and the planet.

About SPC: 
The Pacific Community has been supporting sustainable development in the Pacific, through science, knowledge and innovation since 1947. It is the principal intergovernmental organization in the region, owned and governed by its 26 member countries and territories.
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Durabilité environnementale et changement climatique
Pêche, Aquaculture et écosystèmes marins
Géosciences, énergie et services maritimes
Statistique pour le développement


Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Geoscience, Energy and Maritime
Fisheries, Aquaculture & Marine Ecosystems
Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability
Statistics for Development
Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability
Statistics for Development
Geoscience, Energy and Maritime
Fisheries, Aquaculture & Marine Ecosystems
New Zealand National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA)
New Zealand
New Zealand