Nadi Meteorological Services Staff Training on Oceans Science to Service Workshop

This workshop is developed with support from the Australian Climate and Ocean Support Program in the Pacific (COSPPac).

Stakeholder Engagement Ocean Science to Service Workshop

This workshop is developed with support from the Australian Climate and Ocean Support Program in the Pacific (COSPPac). This two-day workshop will focus on stakeholder engagement to solicit feedback on ocean information products to improve dissemination…

Climate Change and Disaster Risk Finance: ISACC project strengthens institutions in Tuvalu to access and manage climate finance

This story was developed as part of a media masterclass where journalists were invited to attend and cover the Climate and Disaster Risk Finance Meeting over the course of two days. SPC’s Institutional Strengthening for Pacific Island countries to…

Les pêcheurs s’adaptent aux effets du changement climatique sur les thonidés

Tarawa, Kiribati. (image: Johann Bell) Les abondantes ressources thonières du Pacifique occidental et central fournissent 60 % des thonidés pêchés dans le monde. Près de la moitié des captures proviennent des zones économiques exclusives (ZEE) des…

Sharing Pacific Perspectives on Climate Change & Disaster Risk Finance

Climate change and disaster risk finance is crucial to addressing climate change, the greatest single threat to the livelihoods, security and well-being of the Pacific.  As such, a gathering on climate change and disaster risk finance opened today…

Lutte contre le changement climatique

FNU seeks accreditation for its short courses from SPC’s education programme

The Fiji National University is the first university to pursue regional recognition of its short courses through the Pacific Community’s (SPC) Educational Quality and Assessment Programme’s (EQAP) accreditation services of micro-…

Renforcement des capacités dédiées aux ressources phytogénétiques dans le Pacifique

La CPS vous présente Amit Suka, scientifique fidjien, dont les travaux ont abouti à l’élaboration de protocoles de détection des badnavirus de l’igname. Les collections d’ignames du CePaCT peuvent ainsi être distribuées, ce qui contribue à la sécurité…

Le Pacifique poursuit sa lutte contre le tabagisme et le cancer du poumon

Malgré le succès obtenu dans la réduction du taux de tabagisme dans certains pays et territoires insulaires du Pacifique, le Pacifique continue à enregistrer des taux de tabagisme parmi les plus élevés du monde. Une enquête indique qu'environ la…

Innovative networks key to improving agricultural advisory services for Pacific smallholder farmers

Political support harnessed with innovative regional networks could potentially improve the lives of smallholder farmers in Fiji and the Pacific. To make this a reality, the Fiji Agricultural Advisory Services (FAAS) network has been established as a…
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