Élevage pilote d’huîtres de mangrove : une activité prometteuse pour le groupe de femmes de Muanaira aux Fidji

(disponible en anglais uniquement)

Donor and Development Partner Group meeting

Training for shipping infectious substances

Dangerous Goods Training designed for medical laboratory personnel on 'General awareness, function specifc and security awareness for shipping infectious substances (Category A & B), and other related hazardous materials'. This course…

Adapter une approche océanienne au suivi-évaluation et amélioration continue

(disponible en anglais uniquement) Representatives from around the region are convening this week to lay the groundwork toward establishing a Pacific-centred and owned approach to Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) to enhance development…

3 millions de dollars fidjien pour la protection des cultures du Pacifique

(disponible en anglais uniquement) Photo credits: Australian High Commission Suva Media

IALA AtoN Level 1 course manager course

​The Safety of Life at Sea Convention (SOLAS) Chapter V requires contracting governments to provide such Aids to Navigation as the volume of traffic and degree of risk require. This IALA AtoN Level 1 Manager Course is the first of this type being…

Le voyage d'étude et les échanges au Royaume-Uni soulignent l'importance d'une bonne gouvernance pour les Institutions nationale des droits de l'homme (INDH)

(disponible en anglais uniquement) Good governance is essential for any Paris principle-compliant National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) to effectively discharge its functions. This was the main message shared with representatives of NHRIs from the…

L’approche « One Health » pour lutter contre les maladies infectieuses et la résistance aux antimicrobiens

La santé publique est l’affaire de tous. Elle englobe non seulement le système de santé humaine, mais également la santé animale et celle de notre écosystème.

PILNA Regional Report Launch

The Pacific Islands Numeracy and Literacy Assessment (PILNA) is the only regional mechanism to assess the basic numeracy and literacy skills of Pacific Island children. The third cycle of this assessment was conducted last year by the Pacific Community’s…

Pacific Education Research Network (PERN) annual meeting

This will be the second meeting of the Pacific Education Research Network, which supports the strengthening of research capacity of education systems. The network was formed last July to encourage and assist with research at the country level, and to…
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