Discours liminaire - Réunion des responsables des transports maritimes régionaux du Pacifique par Rhonda Robinson, Directrice de la Division géosciences, énergie et services maritimes de la CPS

Keynote address - Pacific Regional Maritime Transport Officials’ Meeting By SPC's Director of Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Division, Ms. Rhonda Robinson 15-18th November 2022   Ni sa bula vinaka and good morning, It gives me great…

Notre région peut-elle être neutre en carbone d'ici 2050 ?

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) In a region where 80 percent of energy is powered by fossil fuels, Pacific leaders have declared their intention to make the region carbon neutral by 2050. The declaration is expected to not only support the…

Les données relatives aux catastrophes et au climat dans le Pacifique sont désormais plus accessibles grâce à une nouvelle plateforme en ligne

(Contenu disponible en angalis uniquement) Pacific Islanders and resilience practitioners can now access information on disaster and resilience for free through a new platform called the Pacific Resilience Nexus that was launched today after a two-day…

Le leadership des femmes du Pacifique progresse dans la gestion des risques de catastrophes

(Contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) There are currently no female Fire Chiefs or Police Commissioners in the Pacific. In fact, women are under-represented throughout the disaster management sector in the Pacific, particularly in leadership roles.

Formation, visibilité et reconnaissance : Soutenir un environnement de travail sans obstacle pour les femmes dans le secteur maritime

Training, visibility, and recognition: Supporting a barrier-free working environment for women in maritime To fully harness the potential that the Pacific Ocean holds for the well-being of pacific islanders, it is crucial that all relevant sectors of…

Atténuation des risques de tremblement de terre et de tsunami dans le Pacifique

(Contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) Pacific Island Countries (PICs) are among the most vulnerable nations to adverse impacts of climate change and natural hazards such as cyclones, storm surges, floods, drought, earthquakes, and tsunamis. PICs…

Les nouvelles qualifications liées au changement climatique dans le Pacifique visent à renforcer la résilience de la région

(Contenu disponible en anglais uniquement)

Vaka Moana: A Safe Pacific Ocean

Register now to our virtual lab on a Safe Pacific Ocean to learn more about the four pillars of early warning systems and maritime safety in the region. Speakers from different Pacific island countries will share their experiences from recent weather…

2021 en un coup d'oeil : géosciences, energie et services maritimes

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) Across Ocean Science, Disaster & Climate Resilience, Energy Security and innovative digital technologies the SPC's Geoscience, Energy and Maritime (GEM) Division have worked alongside our Members to…

Intergovernmental Conference on Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction

Intergovernmental Conference on an international legally binding instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (General…
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