Ocean Science Fact: Les mangroves et autres écosystèmes de carbone bleu peuvent capturer dix fois plus de carbone que les forêts boréales, tempérées ou tropicales

(Contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) Although mangroves account for less than 2% of marine environments, they carry out 10 to 15% of global carbon burial. Mangroves are carbon-absorbing machines that absorb carbon dioxide when growing…

Ocean Science Fact: récifs coralliens = protection

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) Coral Reefs = Protection Study shows that coral reefs provide substantial protection against natural hazards by reducing wave energy by an average of 97%.

Ocean Science Fact: on peut trouver plus de 4 000 espèces de poissons dans les écosystèmes récifaux

Across the world, coral reefs support more species than any other marine environment. In fact, more than 4,000 species of fish can be found throughout reef ecosystems.   

0cean Science Fact: pas aussi salé partout ?

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) Did you know that the Pacific Ocean is generally less salty than the Atlantic?  

Ocean Science Fact: Il est grand temps de laisser tomber le S !

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) It is high time to drop the S! We may give different parts of it different names but there is only one Ocean and it works as a whole to help make all Life On Earth possible. For more information:…

Publication des calendriers de prévision des marées 2022 ; un nouveau calendrier pour les îles Ebeye-Marshall

(disponible en anglais uniquement) 2022 Tide Prediction Calendars released; a new calendar for Ebeye-Marshall Islands Tide Prediction Calendars for 24 Pacific locations were distributed last week to National Meteorological Services and ocean…

Ocean Science Fact: L'océan absorbe environ 1/3 du CO2 créé par les activités humaines

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) At COP 26, the Glasgow Climate Pact recognised the importance of the ocean to address climate change. The message is clear: any climate action or sustainable development path will require a focus on the ocean.

Ocean Science Fact: À une profondeur de 500 m, la température de l'eau est descendue à ~5° Celsius

Did you know that we can cool buildings with deep sea water?

Nouvel accord pour améliorer la protection et la gestion durable des ressources de l'océan Pacifique

Photo credit: PacIOOS (contenu disponile en anglais uniquement)

Virtual Talanoa: Knowledge exchange on national ocean policies and youth-led initiatives in the Pacific

Pacific Early Career Ocean Professionals Join us on 17 December to hear about the outstanding work done by young ocean professionals in Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands, Samo, and Fiji. The idea is to share, exchange, build your network, and start new…
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