International Women's Day 2022 Webinar

​Join us for our #BreakTheBias hour of intergenerational sharing and connection with inspiring women of the Pacific! Find out how they are working to break the glass ceiling and Break the Bias. The Pacific Community (SPC), in collaboration with the…

Rapport : Les femmes détiennent la clé pour libérer le potentiel de l'énergie durable dans le Pacifique

The countries and territories of the Pacific share some common energy challenges, but their success in meeting them has been uneven, particularly in rural areas. Addressing the shortfalls will require a renewed focus on women at every stage, as key and…

🔎 Décryptage: Open data et bonne gouvernance

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement)

L'équipe du "Pacific Women Lead" commence son travail à la Communauté du Pacifique

  Pacific Women Lead Team starts work at Pacific Community (SPC) Pacific Women Lead has transitioned to the Pacific Community (SPC)'s Human Rights and Social Development (HRSD) Division. With this transition, Pacific Women Lead is now at the…

Adoption à Kosrae d’une nouvelle législation renforçant la protection des personnes en situation de handicap

Adoption à Kosrae d’une nouvelle législation renforçant la protection des personnes en situation de handicap - L’adoption à Kosrae, le 3 décembre 2021, de la Loi no 191 sur le handicap est une victoire pour nombre de parents d’enfants en situation de…

Achieving gender equality, inclusion and diversity must be the shared commitment of all Pacific people

For most who have been fighting for women’s rights, equal access to services and opportunities regardless of age, sex, ethnicity, and background, International Women's Day (IDW) is a call to action. A call to push for the elimination of all forms of…

Solomon Islands Access to Justice Pilot Project – Reflection Report

Contact: Neomai Maravuakula: [email protected]  

Proceedings of the fourteenth triennial conference of Pacific women and seventh meeting of Pacific ministers for women

Contact: Neomai Maravuakula: [email protected]  

Pleins feux sur les femmes occupant des postes de direction dans le Pacifique

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) Spotlight: Women in Leadership in the Pacific The 16 days of activism campaign concluded last week with advocacy on issues not only relating to ending violence against women and girls but also on supporting…

Concours régional de poésie

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) Prior to this year’s International Youth Day, the Pacific Community’s (SPC) Human Rights and Social Development (HRSD) division launched a poetry competition highlighting the theme Transforming Food systems:…
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