Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) training 2022

​Contact:  Kaita Sem, Relationships and Learning Adviser (Strengthening Pacific MEL), SPC | [email protected]

Data Analysis & Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

​Contact:  Alison Culpin, Social Statistics Adviser, SPC's Statistics for Development Divison (SDD) | [email protected]

SPC's 75th anniversary: In October 1977, the very first SPC's tagging cruise commenced

In October 1977 the first SPC tagging cruise commenced. Over the next three years the programme tagged 160,276 fish in all – far beyond the original projections of 100,000 – and visited the waters of every SPC member country, even Pitcairn.

Entretien avec Mark Ero, Entomologiste à la Communauté du Pacifique

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) It’s the diverse, and sometimes creepy, world of insects that fascinates SPC's Entomologist Mark Ero when out in the field carrying out research activities.  According to him, “They  are the world’s…

SPC addresses Pacific pests, diseases and health risks through new virtual training

Photo: The Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle: a pest increasingly threatening the Pacific The Pacific Community (SPC) this week took another stride toward combating the emergence of pests, diseases, and health risks such as African Swine Fever (ASF) through the…

Stat of the week: Papua New Guinea produced nearly 46,000 tonnes of cocoa beans in 2019

Did you know that PNG was the 12th largest producer of cocoa beans in 2019, producing nearly 46,000 tonnes?  

L'info verte : Sea Women of Melanesia, héros internationaux de l'action climatique

In Papua New Guinea, Sea Women of Melanesia monitor the health of coral reefs and create and restore marine protected are

Le chiffre de la semaine : Il existe quatre langues reconnues par la loi, mais environ 832 langues vivantes en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée

(Contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) Did you know that Papua New Guinea is one of the most linguistically diverse countries in the world? There are four languages with statutory recognition (English, Tok Pisin, Hiri Motu, Sign) but an…

Bougainville renforce ses systèmes alimentaires pour faire face à la COVID-19

Before the Coronavirus pandemic, food systems in Papua New Guinea were already under constant threat from both natural and human-made factors such as natural disasters, pests, and disease infestation (African Swine Fever, Fall Army Worm), climatic…

One Ocean Summit 2022

Photo Credit: Jordan Robins / Ocean Image Bank ​ The ocean covers more than 70% of the surface of our planet, yet it too often remains on the sidelines of major international and European agendas.
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