Harnessing traditional knowledge of the oceans in a way that isn’t exploitative or tokenistic

Harnessing traditional knowledge of the oceans in a way that isn’t exploitative or tokenistic is emerging as a strong theme at a regional ocean meeting currently underway in Noumea.

L'état des océans examiné à Nouméa

(disponible en anglais uniquement) Dire situation of ocean discussed in Noumea 23/07/2019 BY GEORGINA KEKEA Barava FM, Solomon Islands   PEOPLE will no longer enjoy the benefits of the sea if nothing is done now to stop the destruction caused…

Les compétences en sciences océaniques du Pacifique parmi les plus faible du monde

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L'augmentation globale des niveaux de dioxyde de carbone pousse l'océan au-delà de sa capacité

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'Failing but not yet failed': we need to improve ocean health Jul 23, 2019 

'Failing but not yet failed': we need to improve ocean health Jul 23, 2019  By  Samantha Magick  

Nos besoins scientifiques pour un océan plus durable

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Our Ocean 2019

Our Ocean 2019 Our future depends on clean and healthy oceans, where protection and production go hand in hand. The oceans are under threat from the effects of climate change, pollution, loss of biodiversity and unsustainable use. Safeguarding the…

Le CCPSO, un nouveau centre d'excellence en sciences océaniques

S’appuyant sur le travail pointu de la CPS, le Centre de la Communauté du Pacifique pour les sciences océaniques vise à améliorer la coordination, à l’appui d’une prise de décision globale incluant gestion intégrée des zones côtières, pêche pélagique,…

Status of ocean failing, but there is time to save it

(disponible en anglais uniquement) This story was originally posted on Radio New Zealand 

The Pacific Community Centre for Ocean Science (PCCOS)

Integrated Ocean Science, Services, Expertise, and Capacity Building for the Pacific Islands
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