Sub-Regional CBFM workshop, Melanesia

Zoom sur les pêches : Valérie Allain, femmes de science

La Division pêche, aquaculture et écosystèmes marins brosse le portrait d’une femme de science. « Les femmes ont toute leur place dans les métiers scientifiques… Il suffit de le vouloir, personne ne vous arrêtera », Valérie Allain, Chargée de recherche…

Fisheries Story: La première ferme communautaire d’huîtres perlières comestibles aux Fidji

(disponible en anglais uniquement) Check out this story of a village which created the very first Fijian community-owned pearl-meat farm in the country. It will support livelihoods through supplementary income while promoting the sustainable use…

Socioeconomic Monitoring Training (TONGA) - Virtual

Zoom sur les pêches : récupération des marques

Fisheries Story series (contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) This tuna fish, 1 out of the 5 found from the same boat, was caught nearly 700 miles away and 91 days after it was tagged and released by SPC during its 2020 tagging cruise. Shout out…

L'info verte : blanchiment des coraux

L'info verte en bref : blanchiment des coraux (contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) Coral reefs are among the planet’s most diverse and valuable ecosystems and provide a key source of food and livelihoods for people across the Pacific Islands…

35th ICRI General Meeting

In light of the current global situation related to the coronavirus (COVID-19), the ICRI Secretariat will organise a virtual General Meeting the week of February 1st, 2021. The 3 following sessions will be held:

Qu'est-ce que la CPS ? - Présentation de la Division pêches, aquaculture et écosystèmes marins

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) With almost 90% of households eating fish or seafood weekly, fisheries are now more important than ever for food security and livelihoods in the region.

Annual Pre-assessment workshop (PAW)

​This is the annual pre-assessment workshop for oceanic fisheries which includes tuna, billfish and some sharks species.

Regional Technical Meeting for Coastal Fisheries (RTMCF#4)

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