Our Ocean Conference Palau 2022

Areas of action The ocean gives us life. We rely on it for food, livelihoods, climate resilience and recreation. Ensuring the longevity of our planet’s life force requires decisive and collective action. Our Ocean will focus on six Areas of Action,…

Les gouvernements vont annoncer des engagements historiques à un moment crucial pour la protection mondiale de l'océan

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) Governments to Announce Historic Commitments at Crucial Moment for Global Ocean Protection The Republic of Palau and the United States opened the 7th Our Ocean Conference (OOC) today, marking the first time…

Blue Food at Our Ocean - Our Ocean Palau 2022

To learn more about this event, visit the Blue Food Assessment website  

Food Systems Pathways - Evidence brief

Tutoriels sur la pêche – une série légère au message sérieux

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) Fish and Tips – a lighthearted series with a serious message

Pacific Food Systems Brochure

Toward a future where everyone in the Pacific is well nourished, by resilient equitable food systems that contribute to healthy people, ecosystems, vibrant cultures, and prosperity for all.

La communauté Va'ulele a étali la première ferme de perle à Fidji

The initiative to establish community pearl-meat farms in Fiji began with a Voluntary Commitment made by J.Hunter Pearls of Fiji for World Oceans Day 2017.

Recherche scientifique sur les thonidés en Océanie – genèse d’une coopération régionale

Plus de la moitié des thons capturés dans le monde sont pêchés dans le Pacifique occidental et central. Il s’agit aujourd’hui de la seule région du monde où les quatre principales espèces de thonidés sont en bonne santé. La CPS y a beaucoup contribué, en…

Aquatic/Blue Food Coalition

Blue, or aquatic, foods – fish, shellfish, aquatic plants and algae captured or cultivated in freshwater and marine ecosystems – play a central role in food and nutrition security for billions of people; they are a cornerstone of the livelihoods,…

Our Ocean Conference Palau 2022 - Blue Food Systems

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) This content was originally published on Blue Food Assessment website  
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