Tuna purse seiner recommended for Ocean research in Pacific waters

Tuna purse seiner recommended for Ocean research in Pacific waters  

We need Pacific Voices on Oceans Science Decade: Dr Vaka’uta

We need Pacific Voices on Oceans Science Decade: Dr Vaka’uta

Oceans degraded by human activities: UN Oceans Special envoy Ambassador Thomson

Oceans degraded by human activities: UN Oceans Special envoy Ambassador Thomson  

Il n'est pas trop tard pour sauver les océans - Officiel de la CPS

(disponible en anglais uniquement) Not too late to save oceans - SPC official  

Ocean Science aims to effect a wave of change

Le Samoa ne sera pas laissé pour compte

(disponible en anglais uniquement) Samoa won't be left behind Reporter: Adel Fruean  (Samoa Observer)  

If the ocean goes, so do we: Pacific preps for UN Ocean Decade 2021

If the ocean goes, so do we: Pacific preps for UN Ocean Decade 2021   By Lisa Williams Pacific Media Network [email protected]  

Time to give back to the ocean

Time to give back to the ocean 24/07/2019 By Lisa Williams

Harnessing traditional knowledge of the oceans in a way that isn’t exploitative or tokenistic

Harnessing traditional knowledge of the oceans in a way that isn’t exploitative or tokenistic is emerging as a strong theme at a regional ocean meeting currently underway in Noumea.

L'état des océans examiné à Nouméa

(disponible en anglais uniquement) Dire situation of ocean discussed in Noumea 23/07/2019 BY GEORGINA KEKEA Barava FM, Solomon Islands   PEOPLE will no longer enjoy the benefits of the sea if nothing is done now to stop the destruction caused…
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