L'accès universel à l'eau et à l'assainissement est la clé de la construction d'un Pacifique résilient

(disponible en anglais uniquement) Universal access to water and sanitation key to building a resilient Pacific   By Dr Stuart Minchin, Director-General Pacific Community (SPC) This World Water Day, more than a million Pacific Islanders are…

Les actions du Pacifique sur le changement climatique et l'éducation mises en évidence dans une publication historique

(disponible en anglais uniquement) Pacific actions on Climate Change and Education highlighted in landmark publication 16 March 2020 Suva (Fiji) – The Pacific region is one of the featured regions in the landmark publication  “Climate Change…

Vanuatu Country Programming

​SPC will be in Port Vila in the week of 9th March, 2020, to work with country counterparts in a number of sectors to define activities under the SPC/Vanuatu Country Program. The Vanuatu Country Program is an agreed program of focused actions under a set…

Consultation for Regional Strategic Roadmap Emergency Management (SREM) Action Plan

​Initial consultation for the Regional Strategic Roadmap Emergency Management (SREM) and Action Plan jointly hosted by the Pacific Community and the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat. The purpose of this consultation is to detail outcomes, strategies and…

"Aucun cyclone ne nous chassera" : Podcast Pacific Way S02-E10

Avec des vents supérieurs à 240 km/h, ce qui le classait parmi les cyclones de catégorie 4 à 5, Heta a causé de nombreux dégâts à Niue, en 2004. Avec l’aide de la CPS, le pays a alors créé un centre national d’opérations d’urgence :…

Workshop to finalise Solomon Islands Strategic Roadmap for Emergency Management

​A workshop to finalise the Solomon Islands Strategic Roadmap for Emergency Management (SREM) will be conducted in Honiara on 25 & 26 February 2020. This follows initial consultation in September 2019. The workshop will include representation from…

[VIRTUAL MEETING] COSPPac2 Annual Planning and Progress Review & Steering Committee Meeting

​Since its inception in 2012, COSPPac has worked to build the capacity of Pacific meteorological services and other relevant agencies to understand and apply climate, ocean and sea level information for the benefit of island governments and communities.…

[POSTPONED] UN-GGIM Learning Event & Pacific Geospatial and Surveying Council (PGSC) Meeting

The UNGGIM Workshop and PGSC meetings have been postponed to a later date, which will be advised once the new date will be decided.​

Un marégraphe de pointe aux Tonga

Depuis 1993, aux Tonga, un marégraphe installé avec l’aide du gouvernement local, du gouvernement australien et de la CPS enregistre le niveau de la mer ainsi que des informations météorologiques. Après 25 ans d’utilisation, l’appareil situé…

Podcast Pacific Way : Surveiller la ceinture de feu

(disponible en anglais uniquement) Keeping watch on the ring of fire: PW Podcast S02-09 Papua New Guinea sits on the 'ring of fire' and has a history of volcanic activity. A volcanic eruption can be devastating to local communities, so the government…
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