Closing remarks by Maria Fuata, Deputy Director-General for Operations and Integration at the Pacific Community (SPC) during FestPAC's closing ceremony 


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Aloha, Malo e lelei, Bonjour, Ni sa Bula vinaka and Warm Pacific Greetings. As we draw the curtains on this remarkable celebration of the 13th Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture, I stand before you today with an overwhelming feeling of gratitude and inspiration for all the experiences witnessed in the past 10 days. As a Pacific community, we have embarked on a journey of cultural exchange, artistic expression, and community building that has left an indelible mark on our hearts and minds. Throughout this festival, we have been reminded of the power of culture to transcend boundaries, to unite us in our shared humanity, and to ignite the flames of creativity and imagination.

One cannot help but be struck by the sheer diversity of cultures and traditions that have converged in this beautiful land. With each performance, exhibition, knowledge sharing and exchange of ideas making up the programmes of the festival, we are reminded of the true depth and beauty of Pacific intelligence, resilience, innovation, and creativity. The Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture stands as more than just a celebration of artistic expression and cultural heritage; it serves as a powerful platform for forging and strengthening relationships among Pacific peoples, and this gathering brings together diverse communities from across the Pacific region, creating opportunities for dialogue, collaboration, and mutual understanding.

The festival also provides a platform for dialogue and reconciliation, particularly in contexts where historical or contemporary tensions exist among Pacific communities. By creating space for respectful dialogue and cultural exchange, the festival promotes understanding, empathy, and healing, laying the groundwork for stronger relationships and greater unity in the region. Furthermore, the festival serves as a hub for networking and capacity-building, enabling participants to form connections, learn from each other, and develop new skills and opportunities. Artists, cultural practitioners, scholars, and community leaders come together to exchange ideas, share innovations, and support each other's work, strengthening the cultural ecosystem of the Pacific region.

But beyond the performances and exhibitions, this festival has been a platform for dialogue, learning, and solidarity. We have come together not only to celebrate our cultural heritage, but also to confront the challenges that confront our communities today. We have shared our hopes and dreams for a future that is inclusive, sustainable, and grounded in the values of respect, harmony, and reciprocity. A profound impact of this festival also lies in the connections forged between individuals and communities where the transmission of traditional and indigenous knowledge from elders to the younger generation reminds us of the indominable Pacific spirit that shines bright in the face of global challenges.

This festival has been more than just a celebration of culture; it has been a celebration of resilience, of the enduring strength of Pacific peoples in the face of adversity. It has been a reminder of the importance of safeguarding and strengthening our cultural heritage, not as relics of the past, but as living, breathing expressions of our identities and aspirations. Let us carry with us the memories and lessons learned. Let us continue to cherish and protect our cultural traditions, for they are the foundation upon which our identities and communities are built.

I would like to say Mahalo nui loa to the land, ancestors, and peoples of Hawai’i for stepping up and for hosting this magnificent 13th Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture, and I extend my deepest gratitude to all those who have contributed to the success of this festival. I would particularly like to also pay tribute to the twenty-six Pacific Island countries and territories who participated at this festival for whom without their presence and support, we would not have this lifetime experience. Let us continue to be ambassadors of our cultures and take with us the spirit of resilience, kinship, shared wisdom, and love.

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Human Rights and Social Development
Festival of Pacific Arts (FestPac)
Festival of Pacific Arts (FestPac)