Les formateurs océaniens, champions de la résilience

Même si, à l’heure actuelle, 64 % des Océaniens n’ont pas accès à l’électricité, la sécurité énergétique doit être renforcée de manière durable et efficace en misant sur des technologies de pointe. La CPS a donc entrepris de mettre en place des formations sur la résilience et l’énergie durable, qui contribueront à répondre aux besoins futurs de la région.

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement)

Pacific Educators Champion Resilience   



The Pacific region is on the frontline of the global climate crisis and as such the region's future career pathways and progress must drive towards sustainable, resilient, and Pacific owned actions that secure a healthy and prosperous future for young people. 

To date, 64% of Pacific people do not have access to electricity however scaling energy security must be done in a sustainable and efficient way looking towards new and innovative technology to overcome these challenges.  

Therefore, the Pacific Community (SPC) has been working to develop resilience and sustainable energy educational courses that are relevant for the future needs of the region. 

For the Pacific region's education systems, the challenge is to continuously review and update qualifications and courses that young learners can identify with while offering opportunities for employment. 

Aligning to these goals, two courses have recently been reviewed and accredited that focus on resilience and sustainable energy in the Pacific. The Articulated Resilience Certificates (Level 2 and 4) are practical and focused on skills around installation, management, and effective renewable energy solutions more broadly.  

Rhonda Robinson, Acting Director of SPC's GEM (Geoscience Energy and Maritime) Division launched the qualifications and reiterated the critical need for these types of career options for Pacific youth. 

“If we want to solve some of our greatest challenges today and into the future, we must be equipped with the skills to do this through understanding how to manage sustainable or renewable energy systems, how to fix water systems that use groundwater access, how to prepare ourselves and our families for disaster.   

“We hope these qualifications will contribute to youth engagement in one of the most innovative and exciting sectors that is critical now but is increasingly important into the future for the realization of a more resilient Pacific” she said. 

For learners who undertake this course, they can engage in a qualification that reflects the realities of where they live, while attaining skills and knowledge that are recognised internationally as best practice for resilience building in the Pacific.  The hope is to equip communities, individuals and sectors with the skills required to support a resilient Pacific region. 

The two courses provide learning options over a maximum of 24 months and are  competency-based transferrable skills for community members and Pacific people from around the region to become resilience champions.    

Course content covers agriculture, coastal management, energy and infrastructure, fisheries, forestry, health, tourism, and water resources.   

This qualification provides a bridge to offer individuals and organisations upskilling providing new and improved employment opportunities across the Pacific.   The course is being run by TVET (Technical Vocational Education and Training) institutions and more information will be available  shortly on enrolment. 

The qualifications are part of the Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change and Resilience Building (PACRES) which is ensuring better regional and national adaptation and mitigation responses to climate change challenges facing Pacific countries. Strengthening knowledge and sharing information to address climate change and build resilience, a first for the Pacific, represents a landmark development for education and training opportunities in the region.  Using traditional knowledge that has been passed down to us from our elders combined with what we learn through resilience programs ensures that future generations have influence over their home.  

The project is supported by the European Union and has been accredited by Educational Quality and Assessment Program (EQAP) in consultation with National Qualifications Agencies and industry partners from across the Pacific.  

Evaluation et qualité de l’enseignement
Géosciences, énergie et services maritimes


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Geoscience, Energy and Maritime
Educational Quality and Assessment
Educational Quality and Assessment
Geoscience, Energy and Maritime
European Union (EU)
European Union (EU)