Forum Webinar: Across boundaries and sectors: Lessons from implementing Integrated Ridge-to-Reef Approaches in the Pacific for sustainable development


​For communities in Pacific Small Island Developing States (Pacific SIDS) and territories, ecosystem services are not considered separate pillars of benefit, rather they are part of a complex, and vulnerable system, where the interconnection between environmental resources underpins security and livelihoods, and is a practical everyday reality.

Sustainable development requires a paradigm shift from sectoral to ecosystem-oriented management approaches. Ridge to Reef (R2R) approaches appropriately establish governance systems, operations, practices and financing that strengthen coherence, cooperation and collaboration, resulting in sustainable local, regional and global benefits.

The Pacific Ridge to Reef (R2R) Programme is a multi -country, multi -GEF agency programmatic initiative guiding the coordinated investment of US$90 million in GEF grant funding across multiple focal areas of biodiversity conservation, land degradation, climate change adaptation and mitigation, sustainable land management, sustainable forest management, and international waters in Pacific SIDS.

Operating across 14 Pacific Island countries since 2013, the programme aims to deliver tangible and quantifiable local and global environmental benefits by focusing on cross-cutting approaches to water, land and coastal management with linkages across GEF focal areas including: biodiversity, land degradation, international waters, sustainable forest management, climate mitigation and adaptation and capacity development.

As the programme closes in 2022, join us to hear about experiences and lessons from implementation.

Joint Event
Joint Partner
GEF, UNDP, FAO, UN Environment Programme, Pacific R2R


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Geoscience, Energy and Maritime
Geoscience, Energy and Maritime