Le sol est bien plus que de la terre pour les agriculteurs de l'atoll

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) Soil is more than dirt for Atoll farmers To help improve farming practices and to strengthen resilience in the face of the current changing weather patterns, the Pacific Community’s Land Resources Division (…

8th Pacific Heads of Agriculture and Forestry Regional Meeting (2023)

The 7th Regional Meeting of the Pacific Heads of Agriculture and Forestry Services will bring together country leaders and partners to reconnect to the region. The meeting happens biennially, with last year’s postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Une approche unie du kava « Wan Ples, Wan Kava »

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) A United Approach to Kava “Wan Ples, Wan Kava” The public and private sector of the Pacific has come together to promote and secure the future of one of the region’s most important agricultural crops, Kava.…

Le Pacifique donne une nouvelle voix au mouvement mondial de l'agriculture biologique

A farm in Tahiti with membership in Bio Fetia, POETCom’s focal point in French Polynesia. (contenu disponible en anglais uniquement)

Tuvalu adopte des «cubes» pour intensifier la production alimentaire nutritive

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) Atoll Nation of Tuvalu Adopts ‘Cubes’ to Step Up Nutritious Food Production By Catherine Wilson Tuvalu’s farmers have watched their crops destroyed by extreme tropical weather. They are now using…

De nouvelles unités avicoles pour stimuler l'industrie de l'élevage au Samoa

New poultry units to boost Samoa livestock industry Five new poultry farming units have been opened in Samoa as part of the island nation’s ongoing efforts to reduce reliance on imported meat. The units were constructed as part of the Pacific…

Assurer l'avenir des systèmes alimentaires avec les connaissances traditionnelles

Securing the future with traditional knowledge In Tonga, community elders are passing down the ancient art of carving canoes to help the youth build sustainable livelihoods. Video produced by Alexandre Brecher, Corporate Communications Office

Transmettre les traditions agricoles pour protéger les systèmes alimentaires

Passing on farming traditions to protect food systems In Tonga, a local organization is setting up organic farming projects to enable young people to learn from elders how to generate some revenue while protecting the country's food systems.  

Découvrez un aperçu des systèmes alimentaires dans le Pacifique

A glimpse into the Pacific food systems Discover the specificities of food systems in the Pacific region, why they are particularly fragile, and the role of the island communities in protecting them.   Video produced by Alexandre Brecher,…

Les systèmes alimentaires du Pacifique

Les aliments et systèmes alimentaires du Pacifique joueront un rôle majeur pour aider la région et la planète à se relever et à renaître après la crise de la COVID-19, mais aussi dans la santé, la résilience et la prospérité à long terme des Océaniens.
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