2021 Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNA) online platform

SPC Talks: éducation dans le Pacifique

  The Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNA) is a tool used to measure the literacy and numeracy skills of Year 4 and Year 6 students across the Pacific region.

SPC's EQAP Progress and Results Report 2021

Des données de qualité en matière d'éducation - une priorité essentielle pour les Fidji

Quality Education Data – a Key Priority for Fiji Education data is a key instrument for the Pacific to monitor progress against established national and regional benchmarks and to align ourselves with international standards. To help strengthen the…

Pacific Regional Training Workshop on “Strengthening National Capacities in Education Data and Statistics for Evidence Based Policy Making, Planning and Monitoring” (2022)

​The Sustainable Development Goals and the Education 2030 Framework for Action have put ambitious targets for the countries globally to achieve high-quality education for all moving from access and participation to ensuring the availability of quality…

PacREF annual reflection MEL Workshop ‘Sharing Learning’ (2022)

​The Pacific Regional Education Framework (PacREF) is a regional policy formally endorsed by the Forum Education Ministers' Meeting (FEdMM) which is designed to equitably raise the quality of schooling and student outcomes across the Pacific. It has…

Remarques de la directrice du programme d'évaluation et de qualité de l'enseignement de la CPS, le Dr Michelle Belisle, lors de l'atelier de réflexion sur le cadre régional océanien de l'éducation

Remarks by SPC’s Educational Quality and Assessment Programme Director Dr Michelle Belisle

Data Mining Workshop 2022

This workshop aims to  provide countries with a deeper understanding of the data that is available from PILNA. Using the regional data and their national data sets, participants will have time with regional experts to delve into their data, explore…

Micro-qualifications and accreditation development support continues for the Fiji National University

The third cohort of Fiji National University (FNU) staff have successfully completed micro-qualification development and accreditation training, conducted by the Pacific Community (SPC).

Renforcer l'action climatique à la COP27

En route vers la COP 27... La vision de la présidence égyptienne de la COP 27 consiste à sortir des négociations et à « planifier la mise en œuvre » de toutes les promesses. Il est désormais temps d'agir sur le terrain et l'Égypte a appelé à une action…
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