Atelier Zone de pêche réglementée en Polynésie française

​Organisation d'un atelier sur les zones de pêche réglementées en Polynésie française dans le cadre du projet PROTEGE.

International Mother Earth Day 2022

When Mother Earth sends us a message Mother Earth is clearly urging a call to action. Nature is suffering. Oceans filling with plastic and turning more acidic. Extreme heat, wildfires and floods, as well as a record-breaking Atlantic hurricane…

L'info verte : Niue s'engage à protéger 100 % de son espace océanique

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) The Government and people of Niue announced bold new marine legislation passed in November 2021, that will ensure sustainable use across its entire exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and sovereign waters (317,500…

Systèmes alimentaires bleus : éléments essentiels d'une économie bleue résiliente au changement climatique dans le Pacifique

The ocean is at the centre of Pacific Food Systems.  Discover some crucial components of Climate-Resilient Blue Economy in the Pacific.  

At the Palau Our Ocean Conference, key partners mobilize action on blue foods

At the side event titled “Blue Foods: Crucial Component to a Climate-Resilient Blue Economy in Global Communities” held yesterday at the Our Ocean Conference in Palau, a multi-sectoral group of stakeholders outlined the efforts to bring blue foods into…

L'info verte : Bourses d'études sur l'action climatique pour les étudiants des nations insulaires du Pacifique

The University of Melbourne has launched fully funded climate-action scholarships for students from Pacific Island nations to support their local communities in addressing climate change. The Scholarships will support master’s and Graduate Researchers on…

Niue walking the talk on protecting 100% of its Ocean space

This press release was originally published on Niue Government website    

Our Ocean Conference Palau 2022

Areas of action The ocean gives us life. We rely on it for food, livelihoods, climate resilience and recreation. Ensuring the longevity of our planet’s life force requires decisive and collective action. Our Ocean will focus on six Areas of Action,…

Les gouvernements vont annoncer des engagements historiques à un moment crucial pour la protection mondiale de l'océan

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) Governments to Announce Historic Commitments at Crucial Moment for Global Ocean Protection The Republic of Palau and the United States opened the 7th Our Ocean Conference (OOC) today, marking the first time…

Blue Food at Our Ocean - Our Ocean Palau 2022

To learn more about this event, visit the Blue Food Assessment website  
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