The recruitment process is made up of the following steps:

  • Job vacancy advertisement. Period during which applications can be received (closing date is specified in each job’s advertisement).
  • Selection process. Following the closing date, all applications received are assessed against the essential key criteria of a given job as advertised and outlined in its job description.
  • Interview stage. Shortlisted applicants are invited to interview.
  • Outcome. All candidates are advised of the outcome of the selection process regardless of the result.

Please note that the selection process may include assessments (case study, presentation etc.), psychometric testing and reference checks.


To apply, please follow the instructions below:

  • Select the job you would like to apply for
  • Click on the “Apply” button
  • Create an account or simply sign in if you have an existing account with us
  • Follow the requirements and upload your application documents (cv, cover letter and responses to the screening questions of the job you are applying for)
  • Click on the link provided within your “SPC - next step to finalise your application” email and finalise your application by filling in the form with the requested information

Characters limit for the responses to the screening questions has been set up to 2,000 characters maximum per questions. Should your responses be longer than the amount allowed for, please attach a PDF of your responses to the screening questions as additional document when submitting your resume and cover letter.


No “application complete” email or notification will confirm full completion of your application process. Please note that it is the responsibility of applicants to ensure that all required documents and information are submitted at the time of application.

We regularly check applications. In the instance a given application is incomplete, the relevant applicant will be directly contacted to provide the missing information.


Yes. Applicants are free and encouraged to apply to any positions of interest. Please note while doing so that you should always consider if your profile matches the position requirements and when applicable if you are meeting the eligibility conditions.


Yes. Every position is different, and each selection process conducted separately. The outcome of previous applications does not have an impact on future applications.

Applicants are encouraged to reapply to as many positions as they see fit or believe their profile matches the position.


For every job we require applicants to provide us with the following three documents:

  • Resume
  • Cover letter
  • Responses to the screening questions (relevant to the job)

Please note that in certain cases, jobs may require applicants to meet specific eligibility criteria. When applicable, such eligibility criteria will be indicated and outlined in the job advertisement.


New vacancies are opened and advertised regularly on our website in direct response to SPC’s needs. Frequency will vary depending on the actual needs of the Organisation.


Due to the high responses to our vacancies, we are unable to provide personal feedback.


Applications data are solely consulted for selection process’s purposes. Data are not shared outside of SPC.


To reset your password, please follow the instructions below when trying to log onto your account:

  • Click on “Password Help”
  • Enter your email address linked to your candidate account and click on “Recover Password”
  • Follow the instructions within the reset password email you will have received

The Pacific Community is a bilingual Organization, with two working languages – English and French. It is essential to have at least a working knowledge of one of these two languages at the time of application.


Selection process may take time. Please note that you will always be notified of the outcome of your application whether it’d be positive of negative.

