Pacific Overseas Countries and Territories meet to improve management of health risks to drinking water supplies

Les 11 et 12 mars 2024, un atelier régional sur l’alimentation en eau potable a été co-organisé à Tahiti, par la Polynésie française et le projet PROTEGE financé par l’Union européenne et mise en œuvre par la Communauté du Pacifique (CPS). Suite à cet…

Kiritimati Island hosts the first Pacific Groundwater Gallery Knowledge Exchange

Water science in Kiritimati Island schools

Green News: 12% of the population does not have access to safe drinking water in the North West of New Caledonia

Did you know that 12% of the population does not have access to safe drinking water in the North West of New Caledonia? Water resources are diminishing due to frequent drought, damage to watersheds, and waste. So, every month, tankers have to deliver…

Access to clean, safe and resilient water to be boosted for Pacific communities

Access to clean and safe drinking water for 12,5000 people in Palau, the Republic of the Marshall Islands and Tuvalu will be boosted after the launch of a new USD 5.2million water security project today.

Water for the children of Futuna

A dream come true "On Futuna, the water is not safe to drink. While there are still problems for the whole community to have access to safe drinking water, at least our children will be able to drink clean water at school and work under better…

New projects to strengthen food security, access to clean drinking water & provide renewable energy access for Pacific people

The European Union (EU) and the Pacific Community (SPC) have today launched three new projects that will help address the social and economic impacts of COVID-19, whilst supporting longer-term economic recovery and health benefits for the Pacific region.

Water for Life: Safe and sustainable drinking water for Kiritimati Island

The current global pandemic has been a stark reminder of the important role that safe and reliable drinking water plays in our lives. It is essential for human life and a critical prerequisite of healthy communities and economies, however countries…

Pacific High-Level Dialogue on Water and Sanitation- Remarks by Jean-Louis Ville

New water systems for the most vulnerable Pacific Islanders

Close to 500 people in one of the most remote and inaccessible places in the Pacific, Kapingamarangi, have secured additional safe drinking water through the efforts of the European Union – North Pacific – Readiness for El Niño (RENI) project.
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