Better data results in better services for Chuuk’s survivors of family violence

Staff at the Chuuk Women's Council's Tongen Inepwineu Counseling Center (TICC) who were provided with capacity building support by Pacific Women Lead at SPC in April last year.

Opening remarks by Ms Mereseini Rakuita, Principal Strategic Lead – Women & Girls, Pacific Community at the Gender & Social Inclusion in Pacific Fisheries Symposium

Pacific’s education quality board endorses public sharing of country specific information and new areas of work identified by the region

The ninth meeting of the Pacific Board for Education Quality (PBEQ) took place from 20th to 22nd March 2024 and focussed on enhancing the quality of education at all levels across the region by making country specific information that were generated…

New qualification to empower Pacific Island stakeholders in climate resilience efforts

Micro Qualifications Launch Group Pic Kiwa Initiative  

Adolescent girls in Vanuatu stepping up to support national disaster response

CARE Vanuatu has commissioned research into how adolescent girls are impacted by Tropical Cyclones in Vanuatu, through its Laef Blong Mi Vois Blong Mi (VBM) project. CARE Vanuatu has commissioned research into how adolescent girls are impacted by…

Advancing Niue's climate commitments: a collaborative approach

NDC Hub Niue Consultation Partners Group Pic

Michelle Belisle speech at the Pacific Board for Education Quality a Subcommittee of the Pacific Community’s Committee of Representatives of Governments and Administrations Meeting

A Remarkable Journey of Orthopaedics in the Pacific

The Pacific Island countries are witnessing significant progress, in the area of orthopaedics, a medical speciality that deals with treating bones and muscles. A training program delivered by the Pacific Islands Orthopaedic Association (PIOA) has been in…

Strengthening sexual and reproductive health and rights in the Pacific

In the Pacific region, significant progress has been made towards achieving the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) goals embedded in international commitments.

Addressing the mosquito menace in the Pacific

From 2012 to April 2023, a total of 98 reported mosquito-borne viral infection outbreaks and circulation have been reported by Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs). Seventy-two per cent (71/98) were dengue fever, twelve per cent (12/98) were…
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