Inside CRGA 54: Highlights from the meeting
The Pacific Community (SPC) and French Polynesia were pleased to welcome Government Officials from across the Pacific, along with members of international organisations in Papeete, French Polynesia, for the Pacific Community’s (SPC) 54th meeting of the…
Opening statement by the Chair of CRGA 54, Margaret Pedro, Tokelau's Manager Support Services - Department of Transport & Support Services
Opening statement by the Chair of the 54th meeting of the Committee of Representatives of Governments and Administrations, Margaret Pedro, Tokelau's Manager Support Services - Department of Transport & Support Services5 - 6 November 2024 - Papeete,…
SPC Director-General's report 2024
Cover photo by Keziah Harry, a finalist in the SPC Pacific photo competition. This photo from Tuvalu, warns about climate change’s effect on our islands and atolls. It’s a clear sign we need to act to keep our world safe. Reproduced with permission.
SPC Director-General’s welcome remarks at CRGA 54, Papeete
The Pacific Community (SPC) Director-General’s welcome remarks at the 54th meeting of the Committee of Representatives of Governments and Administrations 5 - 6 November 2024 - Papeete, French Polynesia
Distinguished delegates and senior…
CRGA54: Speech by Mareva Lechat-Kitalong, Delegate for International, European and Pacific Affairs of French Polynesia, host of the 54th meeting of the Committee of Representatives of Governments and Administrations
Speech from Mareva Lechat-Kitalong, Delegate for International, European and Pacific Affairs of French Polynesia, host of the 54th meeting of the Committee of Representatives of Governments and Administrations5 - 6 November 2024 - Papeete, French…
CRGA53 and 13th Conference of the Pacific Community: Highlights of the Meetings
The Pacific Community was pleased to welcome Government Officials from across the Pacific, along with members of international organisations, civil society groups, and local groups to Noumea, New Caledonia, for the Pacific Community’s (SPC) 53rd meeting…
Read the keynote address delivered by Hon. Lenora Qereqeretabua , Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs - Fiji Goverment during the closing dinner for CRGA and Conference
Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs Hon. Lenora Qereqeretabua
The Honourable Panapasi Nelesone, Chair of the 13th Conference of the Pacific Community Honourable Ministers Excellencies Senior Officials Distinguished Guests Ladies and Gentlemen
SPC's Director-General’s Welcome Remarks 13th Conference of the Pacific Community, SPC's Headquarters, New Caledonia
SPC's Director-General’s Welcome Remarks
13th Conference of the Pacific Community, SPC's Headquarters, New Caledonia
Honourable Delegates,
Your Excellencies, dignitaries
Representatives from our CROP agencies,
Partners and friends
All protocols…
Opening Statement at the 13th Conference of the Pacific Community By Hon. Panapasi Nelesone, Minister for Justice, Communication and Foreign Affairs, Tuvalu
Vice President of the Federated States of Micronesia, Deputy Prime Minister of Vanuatu, Honourable Delegates, Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Partners, ladies and gentlemen
Talofa and warm greetings.