Food systems in the Pacific: Addressing challenges in cooperation with Europe
This content was prepared by Céline Pajon, IFRI
More frequent climate disasters, rising sea levels, the economic fallout of Covid-19 lockdowns, border closures, supply chain constraints, and the global impact of the war in Ukraine have aggravated…
A Green-Blue Alliance in Motion: Pacific Island Countries and Europe Fighting Climate Change
The Pacific Islands Countries (PICs) were the first to ratify the Paris climate agreement in 2015. Indeed, for them, climate change has had very concrete implications for years. Islanders have seen the sea level rising, endangering the very existence of…
The French Institute for International Relations (Ifri) and the Pacific Community organise, for the first time in Europe, a webinar on the theme of marine protected areas
(content available in French only)
Conscient que l’Océan Pacifique présente aujourd’hui un enjeu mondial, le Président de la République Française Emmanuel Macron a présenté en 2018 la stratégie indopacifique du pays. L’Union européenne a également…