Technical training with Palau supports ocean management through defined maritime zones

Palau officials, Mr David Idip and Mr Takamatsu Emesiochel of PALARIS with Malakai Vakautawale, Molly Powers-Tora, and Andrick Lal of SPC  

Stat of the week: Imports of fuel equivalent to 13% of Palau’s GDP

Palau's total fuel import (as a % of GDP). It's the highest share in the Pacific and means Palau has had to absorb the increased oil price since April 2020.

Tkakl Mekreos envisions equal opportunities for women in Palau

Tkakl Mekreos is the SPC Country Focal Officer for Pacific Women Lead based in Palau. He works closely with the Palauan Government and communities in Palau to assist with their gender equality initiatives in-country. “I come from a community where women…

Contextual data of PILNA 2018 throws new light on Pacific education

The contextual data of the Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNA) 2018 was cause for excitement for education representatives at a workshop on PILNA 2018 data earlier this month.

PILNA 2018 Data Workshop Opening Remarks by EQAP Director Dr Michelle Belisle

Opening remarks by Educational Quality & Assessment Programme (EQAP) Director Dr Michelle Belisle Good morning and a warm welcome to all of you as we begin our very first Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment, or PILNA, data workshop.…

Palau commences climate change and disaster risk finance assessment

With a view to advancing Palau’s national climate change and disaster risk management priorities, representatives from government ministries, state governments and non-governmental organisations gathered in Koror this week to participate in the…

Zoom - Clean water for Palau’s outlying states

Fixing pipes helps conserve water on outlying islands of Palau Fresh, clean water has been in short supply on the outlying islands of Palau for many years. Rainfall variation, often associated with El Niño and La Niña events, has caused storage tanks to…

Zoom - Three countries work together to reduce fossil fuel use

Martin Chang looks inside the Nanpil Hydro Plant in Pohnpei, part of an SPC-implemented project involving Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands and Palau Setting up an initiative to improve access to electricity and reduce the use of fossil…

Strengthening disaster risk management in Palau States

Representatives from 16 States in Palau have completed an Introduction to Disaster Management (IDM) training course with Palau’s National Emergency Management Office (NEMO) to strengthen their capacity in disaster preparedness and response.

Republic of Palau signs Energy Act into law

Palau has become the second Pacific Island country in over two decades to sign a National Energy Act into law which facilitates the establishment of an Energy
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