Exsley Taloiburi’s welcome address at the Pacific Hydrological Services Forum
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Speech by the Fiji Permanent Secretary for Lands & Mineral Resources, Paula Cirikiyasawa, at the Pacific Hydrological Services Forum
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Des crayons aux pixels : les statistiques du Pacifique sont plus intelligentes et plus rapides grâce à la technologie et à la formation de la CPS et de la Banque mondiale
Pencils to pixels: Pacific statistics ‘smarter, faster’ with SPC–World Bank tech and training
Computer tablets and cloud software are making Pacific statistics more accurate, advanced and cost-effective, with Pacific Community (SPC) support and World…
Le directeur des statistiques du CPS promeut le logiciel libre « R », né dans le Pacifique
(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) SPC statistics director champions Pacific-born open-source software ‘R’Spreadsheets, spreadsheets, spreadsheets: With the public sector still powered by office stalwart Excel, SPC’s Director of Statistics…
Pacific leaders meet on regional statistics development and decisions in Vanuatu
Photo by a_glitch on Freeimages.com
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Fewer Tongans living in poverty, regardless of measure used, shows SPC–Tonga joint report
Photography: Pacific Community (SPC), Gaëlle Le Gall
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Compter les calories : Le bureau des statistiques de Samoa donne un aperçu de la consommation alimentaire du Samoa
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Counting calories: Samoa’s food consumption insights emerge in Samoa Bureau of Statistics–SPC workshop
Samoa’s food consumption patterns give crucial insights into welfare, food security and nutrition, say…
Des propositions de recherche statistique et d'"expériences novatrices" pour le Pacifique sont attendues d'ici le 26 avril dans le cadre de l'initiative conjointe de la CPS et de la Banque mondiale
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Pacific statistical research and ‘innovative experiments’ proposals sought by 26 April in SPC–World Bank initiative
Stakeholders in Pacific statistics and development are invited to put forward proposals for…
Îles Marshall : Identifier des ressources en agrégats pouvant être utilisées pour la construction
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A team from the Pacific Community (SPC) visited the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) from the 23rd – 31st of October 2023 to present key findings of the aggregates study aimed at finding good…
Soutenir le réseau sismique régional océanien (ORSNET)
SPC has been working closely with the Oceania Regional Seismic Network (ORSNET), through the Pacific Resilience Project, to strengthen seismic monitoring and detection, as part of strengthening national and regional multi-hazard early warning systems.…