Atelier sur l’utilisation des données de recensement dans l’analyse des conditions des personnes en situation de handicap


L’atelier a été animé par la Division statistique pour le développement de la CPS en collaboration avec l’UNICEF et le Forum océanien sur le handicap. L’objectif était de développer les compétences et capacités locales d’analyse et d’interprétation des données sur le handicap suivant les orientations et recommandations du Groupe de Washington des Nations Unies.

(Article complet disponible en anglais uniquement)

The Statistics for Development Division (SDD) within the Pacific Community (SPC) in collaboration with UNICEF and Pacific Disability Forum (PDF) facilitated the Disability Analysis Workshop in Noumea from September 2nd to 6th. The main purpose of the workshop was to build and enhance local capacity and skills in analysing and interpreting disability data following the guideline and recommendation by the UN Washington Group. Participants attending the workshop were representatives from the national statistics office, disability and gender focal points from Fiji, Tonga and Tuvalu. These 3 countries adopted the WG module in their most recent census to collect disability related data.

The objectives of the workshop is to provide training opportunity for participants to:

  1. Understand the concepts, models, and measures of persons with disability following international recommendations;
  2. Increased knowledge of main issues related to the collection, analysis, interpretation, and use of data on persons with disability;
  3. Deepened knowledge of how to read, interpret and present data on persons with disabilities; and
  4. Understand how to disseminate and use data effectively to promote the rights of persons with disabilities.

The first day of the workshop involved detailed presentation and discussions on the background, importance and purpose of the WG disability module, how the module is used to collect disability related data and how the data are used to produce disability measurements and indicators. Other presentations and discussions were also delivered covering other important aspects on the link and use of disability data to support other reporting mechanism such as disability policy, SDGs and other developments interventions for persons with disability. There were also discussions and presentations made on the importance of data archive through Pacific Microdata Library and data dissemination through the use of maps and other platforms.

The remaining days of the workshop focused more on supporting participants in drafting their disability report. The report layout template and tables containing data to be used in the report were made available for each country. The report contains several chapters including prevalence of disability (disability cut-off points and prevalence rate) while the remaining chapters covered disability by other social and economic background characteristics (living conditions, education, economic activities, health) including key findings and policy recommendations. The participants worked together in teams in analysing and interpreting their own country disability data with support and assistance from facilitators. During the analysis, participants gained understanding on the report and the correct use and interpretation of disability indicators presented in the report.

The workshop would not have been possible without the support from key partners who are acknowledged. UNICEF and DFAT through the Rights, Education and Protection Projects, provided financial support to conduct this workshop. SPC’s Social Development Programme provided funding support for the participation of PDF and the gender focal point for Tonga. A further thanks and acknowledgement to all participants, administrators, facilitators, and others who contributed in one way or another in making this workshop a success.

Please visit the Disability workshop page

Statistique pour le développement


Statistics for Development
Australian Aid (AusAid)
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
Pacific Disability Forum
Pacific Data Hub (PDH)
Pacific Microdata Library
Data Dissemination
Australian Aid (AusAid)
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
Pacific Disability Forum
Pacific Data Hub (PDH)
Pacific Microdata Library
Data Dissemination